Aarmau - Hometown Smile

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I don't care what they do

Aaron stared dejectedly as Aphmau was giggling and joking around with the "hottest guys in school". The teen sighed and turned his head back to his homework and flipped through the packet that was given to him. "I don't care," he murmured to himself and turned back to Aphmau, his heart swelled when she gave a kiss to one of them.

I just wanna be with you

Aaron dropped his book bag to the ground and pulled out his phone, he opened at failure contact named "Shu". The raven-haired man sighed and ran his fingers through his hair, as he miss and longed for the other teen. "I love you," he whispered to no one and shut off his phone to complete his mass amounts of homework.

And I don't mind all the times

Aaron growled and glared at the shorter female as they prepared to race each other, "I'm gonna win this you jerk!" Aaron smirk and rolled his eyes, "To someone as puny as you? Pfft, as if!" he retorted. Then the whistle blew and the two took off, Aaron was slowing down as an idea was planted into his mind.

We will fight just to get through

He blocked all his thoughts of the one he longed for and at the last few seconds they both passed when the female yelled an insult. "I was just being fair, but now that you've said that I'm going to be fair." Aaron and Aphmau took a step at the same time, but his natural speed was quicker than any teen human's. He smiled in pride but remembered his soon-to-be lover when Aphmau angrily stomped off.

Yeah, 'cause all these empty faces

The day he entered his new school all the faces were empty and serious, and he felt out of place inside the massive building. His confident walk didn't falter though, but when he sat down a past memory entered his mind. Aphmau was going to once again enter his life and ruin it like she's done in the past.

They got nothin' on yours

But he didn't care, she was the only person that's ever smiled as brightly as any star or planet in the universe. She's the only person who's ever made him feel a special way he'd never experienced before she came into his life. She made him genuinely happy and he loved her, and nobody could compare to her inner and outer beauty.

They got nothin' on yours

An angel came into the college doors and her appearance and confusion and it made Aaron heart speed up. Her face was magnificent and adorable, and it didn't belong in this hell of an emotionless hell. She happily walked around and already started to make new friends, nobody's personality or body could even compare to hers.

They got nothin' on yours, and yeah

Aphmau ran around freely in the front of the school with her book bag on her back and made everyone cheer up as she walked past. Even if it's already been halfway into the school year, nobody has ever compared to Aphmau. She stayed just the same kind, beautiful girl that made Aaron's heart flutter and his face pink.

All the brightest places

At the end of the school year the school had brightened up a bit and everything seemed happy, but not as happy as the one and only Aphmau. She had taken over Aaron's world by now and she was affecting how he had perceived things as well. The sun was shining and way too bright out for Aaron, but most of it was coming from who he nicknamed Shu.

They turn dark when you're gone

Aaron watched as Aphmau left the school with a few of her friends and he turned back to look at the school. It now seemed boring and he felt annoyed to still be there, his mood took a dark turn and the place was no longer the same in his eyes. He turned away and headed out of the dreaded crowded place.

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