Zanvis-My Street-(Part 4)

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Zane's P.O.V.

I finally got Travis out here, and out of the restroom. So we just ate, until it was time to go back home. 

(Time skip to when they finish eating)

Zane's P.O.V.

Zianna and Garte dropped us off at our houses and we all kissed them goodbye, I just hugged them though. I went inside and got changed upstairs into my normal clothes, then I went back downstairs. I just waited for Travis at the window. A few minutes later, Travis and the others came in their cars. Aphmau, Katelyn, Kawaii~Chan and Vylad went in their house. Garroth, Laurence, and Dante went inside. "I have to do something, so I'll be back  later guys." Travis made an excuse to the guys. After they closed the door, Travis came to my house. I opened the door, "Hey Zane!" Travis said smiling. "Hello Travis, come on in." I replied. Travis walked in and went strait upstairs, but why? I followed him upstairs, he went in my bedroom. I followed him again. I saw him look in my closet, "Zane why do you have many of the same clothes?". I was annoyed, but I answered any ways, "Because I don't like other clothes, and could you please stop looking through my closet?" Travis just replied with  "OK, but just go outside and close the door of about 3 minutes?" What is he thinking? But I did as he said any ways, and about 3 minutes later he said it was OK to go in. "How do I look?" I just walked in to see Travis smiling in MY clothes!" I calmed down a little bit and asked "Why are you wearing my clothes, Travis?!" He just smiled and answered "Cause I just wanna dress up in your interesting clothes, Zane!" Then he told me to wait outside for 3 minutes and close the door too, again. This time after a 3 minutes he was in his normal clothes. After that we just played video games, until 8 o'clock. At that time he went to his house, and I went upstairs into my room. I closed the door and got changed into my sleeping clothes. Then I just went to bed.


This was finished early in the morning at 6:39 A.M. but I decided to publish this later. The song is Nightcore- I'm An Albatraoz 1 hour. The song I was listening to while writing this, again! (Sorry for the swearing in the song!)^~^ Almost went through without writing that face. Planned to put  it in the story multiple times, but didn't for some reason. Don't know why XD. Any ways have a nice day, and bye bye!

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