Zanvis-My Street-Part 9

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O\I'm tired and I don't wanna do this anymore -_- but I have the DETERMINATION to do so! If you guys get it you're my new friend bruh. 


Travis' P.O.V.

We've been here for at least 3 hours and now it's time to eat, first we ate and I was staring at Zane the whole time, he must've felt it since he constantly. I'm just glad no one else noticed, but I want them to get a hint and y'know know that we're dating and stuff. But for now it's just a secret, after we ate we played one last game before we went to bed it was called. "LETS PLAY CONFESSION!" Oh how I hate that game, but it was Aphmau's slumber party so I kinda have no choice. 

This was the order of how we're going Aphmau, Kawaii~Chan, Katelyn, Laurence, Garroth, Dante, me, Zaney and Vylad. I can't wait till my turn, cause I'm gonna make things interesting. "Okay, um, I-I have a crush on Aaron." Aphmau had said and I was scared of everyone else's reactions. "AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH KAWAII~CHAN'S OTP!!!!!!" And I didn't listen to anyone else cause that was enough. I got back to myself when it was Laurence's turn, "Um, I um, I-I'm d-d-dating Garroth." is what Laurence said. I could see he was blushing, but Garroth turned into a bottle of ketchup. Garroth yelled at Laurence for about 5 minutes and the girls were "fan-girling" like insanely.

I blurred everything out again until it was my turn, and I knew I had to tell them like Laurence did. "I dating Zane." I said like I was so serious when I said it, while Zane freaked out and I got tackled by him. "TRAVIS I HATE YOU!" he said while blushing insanely. And the rest of them was watching us and the girls were "fan-girling" again. I kissed Zane and I could tell he was surprised, but he kissed back anyways. Aphamu, Kawaii!Chan and Katelyn all yelled at the same time "AAAAAAHAHHH OMG I SHIP IT SOOO MUCH!!!!" 

Time Skip To Before They Go To Sleep

Travis' P.O.V.

We were all getting ready to go to sleep, well Katelyn was already sleeping in her room, I was ready so I got in my sleeping bag. I was like 1 minute earlier than everyone, but I could see Garoth and Laurence making out in their sleeping bags since they were next to each other. Dante was recording it and Aphmau was still "fan-girling", then I saw Zane get in his sleeping bag. Aphmau closed the lights and got in her's so I started to make out with Zane. "MMMPH!" He was of course surprised, but I could tell he was enjoying it. Vylad could hear us and was giggling, I could tell he was recording, because he had the kind that had X-ray vision. 

After the make out session

Travis' P.O.V

I told him "I love you." and I was happy when he responded with "I l-love you too." after that we went to sleep.


K I finished it! Have fun the Undertale book is coming out today! After this so enjoy! Have a nice day!

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