Bunch Of AU Stuff

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Aphmau's P.O.V.

I froze in place, I couldn't possibly risk putting the innocent people of Phoenix Drop in danger just because of an edgy teenager's salty-ness. "N-no, please! W-we- I don't know where Nicole is!" I exclaimed franticly as I sense him smirk under that ugly mask of his. Then, out of no where, a strangely familiar man comes out of no where and knocks Zane out. I was staring wide-eyed as the man crouched down next to his body, at a total lost for words. The guards that witnessed it were also  shocked and/or surprised. But nonetheless most of them still held their weapon, and was now pointed at the man.  "Wh... what? Wh...who a-are you?" I asked, still trying to overcome the shock and jump scare.

He got up after checking for injuries or something and looked at me, I gasped as I recognized him as the man that lead me to Phoenix Drop. "Y-you, you lead me to Phoenix Drop." I said, and he nodded. I attempted to ask him why he knocked Zane out but he interrupted me mid-sentence. "No time for explanations now, he's going to awake soon. Just let me in and I'll explain everything, trust me." So I let him in and then I started to give guards directions, while I lead the man to my house.

"I'm sorry for the sudden... entrance. But it was all I could think of the moment I saw what was going on, my plan is a tad complicated but just trust me." he told me on the way. Village people were staring at him as if they recognized him, but couldn't tell who he was. A guard dragged Zane inside my house and Lucinda was using magic to trap him in a magical container. I sighed as we waited at my table for my other guards. Soon Laurence had arrived and took a seat next to me immediately, next was Katelyn. She took a seat beside the man, she was giving him weird looks for some reason.

Last was Garroth, when he got here he seemed winded, but when he looked up he let out a small gasp and his eyes widened. I looked towards the stranger and his eyes were wide as well, then they immediately ran at each other and gave each other a giant bear hug. Everyone else was confused and I spoke up, "Care to explain?" This caused them to let go of each other and sit down with us, "I'm Vylad, now before you all ask. Yes, I'm Vylad Ro'meave. As in the one that died a long time ago, I am a Shadow Knight now back to what this was originally about." We all nodded, though some of us are, once again, getting over shock.

"I have a plan that will benefit Phoenix Drop and everyone, I do some of the more complicated work. But now that I know of the witch, it'll be much easier." Vylad started. Lucinda gave him a questioning look and Vylad continued. "With the help of your magic, we can manipulate Zane into being an actual good person." he said, "Ah, I see." Lucinda said nodding. Garroth mumbled something, which Laurence overheard and chuckled.

"I know that Zane has collected most of the items to transport us to the Irene Dimension, you guys have the last one that he needs. So, when he uses it to get us there. One of us will have to attempted to get Irene's Relic." he said, as if it was the simplest thing in the world. "What? You know that only a descendant of Irene can be morphed with that thing." Lucinda said. She, and most of the other guards nodded, in agreement.

"You see, I've been trying to stop Zane's plans for a while now. So I've already planned most of this, I sense that one of you are a descendant of the Divine. Maybe even multiple of you, but I'm not always right." Vylad said in reply. We all nodded, as we didn't want to be lectured on how his whole plan works detail by detail. Everyone got up and started to pile out of my house and then we started on Vylad's plan.

When They Enter The Irene's Dimension

"Here we are." Zane said, the place was gigantic and very bright and filled with blinding light. I shielded my eyes with my arms and squinted my eyes, "It's too bright." Laurence complained. "But it's sooooo coooool!" Emmalyn exclaimed as she walked off with Kenmur calling and running out after her. Katelyn nodded in agreement to both as Lucinda ventured ahead catching up with Emmalyn and Kenmur. I sighed as everyone started to slowly follow her.

"I just wish Garroth had come, we could've at least heard more childhood stories to cheer us up." I said. Mostly everyone else laughed at the memory of the childhood stories the two/three brothers had  told. "I could attempt to remember some, but I did my own thing as a child." Zane said as we looked up the stairs.

There it was, Irene's Relic was right in front of us on a little podium. Emmalyn and Kenmur were fan girling/fan boying and taking notes at lightning speed. While Zane was staring in awe along with Katelyn, and Laurence was walking towards it. Lucinda was inspecting it, and then I decided to walk towards it. It immediately came towards me and my body seemed to absorb it. I gasped as everyone's eyes widened as they stared at me, "Wh-what? Why?" I questioned.

"Vylad was right, you're a descendant of Irene Lady Aphmau." Lucinda explained. "B-but..." I stuttered out, I , once again, was at a complete loss of words. Lucinda sighed and tried to explain things with Emmalyn, and Kenmur to everyone else about magic and The Divine Warriors. Emmalyn was giggling and squealing the whole time and Kenmur was trying to hold it in. Lucinda was slightly calm, though Laurence and Katelyn weren't as calm as Lucinda was.

We spent a few seconds trying to take in what just happened and checked if there was any symptoms of the Relic. But then I felt someone yank my arm, "Let's go Aphmau! The portal's about to disappear!" Zane exclaimed. Then he started to run towards the portal and I followed, I assumed everyone else followed us as I heard a bunch of footsteps. Then we went through the portal and everything looked a lot different.

That's it, I'm so busy but I'll try to get something out as soon as I can. ;u;

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