Glaze Oneshot

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Garroth's P.O.V.

School's the worst

I love my friends, teachers, and everyone part of it

But there's too much work

But, alas, I'm about to step into school grounds. I'm about to subject myself to literal hell on earth. But before I can actually step into school myself, somebody else yells out "Garrthy bro!" and pulls me in. I smile and run with him to a group of people that everyone else in the world would call my friends. "What took you so long Garroth?" Aphmau asked, "Ah, Zane and Vylad were up late and woke up late," I said.

"Oh, okay. Of course they did," Laurence remarked and everyone went back to their conversation, which they were apparently talking about animals. "My favorite animal's a doggo!" Aphmau exclaimed with a smile. "Mine's a duck," Laurence said whilst shrugging, "That's kind of weird, but I'm not judging," 

I spaced out at that point, more like I was just staring at Blaze and i don't know why. I snap out of my thoughts when I get picked up, "I'M FASTER AND STRONGER" a familiar voice yelled. "AAGH! BLAZE PUT ME DOWN!" I scream as I cling to him for my safety. "NOPE I'M RUNNING!" he yells and Laurence picks up Dante who just got here and runs towards us. "OH MY IRENE WHAT THE FUCK PUT YOU DOWN YOU SCUMBAG" Dante yells and clings onto Laurence.

I could see people staring at us as Blaze and Laurence are racing each other, "YA NAMERENSYA VYYTI" I yell. (I'M GONNA VOMIT) We zoom past people and I can hear small words along with distant laughter and screams from Dante. I close my eyes and hold on tighter to Blaze, I try to calm myself down with Vylad's advice. "Count" he said, Odin, Deux, Tri, Quatre, Pyat, Six (Good job France), Syehm, Huit, Dyeh-vit, Dix. "Breath" I remembered, dans, vne, dans, vne, dans, vne, dans, vne. (In, out, in, out, ect)

I smile as I calm down more, I hear and feel Blaze's heavy breaths form running now. Soon everything comes to a stop, I re-open in surprise at the sudden halt and almost fall. I sigh when I don't and get out of his arms, "You okay Blaze?" I asked and put my hand on his shoulder. He nodded and closes his eyes as he sits on the ground, "Take it easy, breath in and out, keep your breathing in check. I'll get some water for you, be right back."

I ran to a vending machine and got a bottle of water before running back to where Blaze is, he's also now accompanied by a tired Laurence and a Dante giving him water. I crouch down beside him and open the water bottle for him, he quickly takes it and chugs some down. "Careful, you're still breathing heavily," I tell him. "You sound like a mom Garroth," Dante says rolling his eyes and takes the water bottle from Laurence.

"Pfft, yeah right. I just care for my friends," I reply and turn my attention back to Blaze, "Gimme your wrist," I demand. I hear Dabte mumble something but decide to ignore it, he raises an eyebrow and holds up his arm. I check his pulse rate by lightly pressing against a place a bit below his wrist. I let go when I'm assured he's back to normal, I get up and put out a hand to help him up. 

"Don't do that ever again," Dabte said as I pulled Blaze back to his feet, Laurence sighs while rolling his eyes at Dante. "Whatever, also I think you made me partially deaf from all that screaming," Laurence said as we headed towards the school. "Hey Garthy bro, can we talk after school?" Blaze asked, "Uh, sure man," I said with a smile.

After School Cause Nope

I turn around the corner to see Blaze a few feet away and jog to him, "So whatcha wanted to talk about?" I ask. He fidgets a bit while trying to start a sentence, "Hey, don't worry, whatever you say, I won't judge!" I reassure him. "Thanks Garthy bro," he says and leans in, before I can even think his lips are on mine. "MmmMm!" comes out of my mouth before I relax and close my eyes, I can also feel Blaze relax a bit.

I put my arms around his neck as he's taller than me as his arms wrap around my waist, I felt his lips run along my bottom lip. I opened my mouth for him and I feel as if I've escaped into a completely different reality. After some time we pulled apart, "I love you Garroth," he said looking into my eyes. I feel the blush creeping onto my face by him calling me by my actual name, "I-I love you too, B-Blaze," I managed to say. 

He smiles and I bury my head into his chest, "That kiss took me to another reality," I mumble and he chuckled. He picked me up like he did in the morning, "Oh? Maybe it's my reality," Blaze said and I felt him starting to walk. I felt so small in his arms, I felt like I was actually shrinking down and I felt so pure and smol. I felt so loved and comfortable, I giggled, "Well if it's your reality, then I'd want to be in it forever,"

I ask
"What do you call love in your reality?"

"In your reality, I don't know how to love you...I'll leave you be"

I turn with tears
Streaming down into splotches

I turn to blood
The blood flows down into a dark puddle

I return to an abyss of darkness
Is this what death feels like?

I called

"Was it love when I set you free?"
He asked

A smile plasters on my face, "I'll see you later sweetheart, I-I love you, B-Bla-"


(What will it take just to find that special day?)  

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