Random Shitpost

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So imagine that the Aphmau group goes on a bus to go to school

Vylad: *Looking out a window in the back seat on the right*

-Aphmau, Laurence, Katelyn, and Dabte board the bus and sit in the back w/ Vylad-

Laurece: Yo

-The 3 have a small convo for like 10 secs-

Dante: Vylad, this isn't like you. You normally talk to us!

Aphmau: Do you need a hug?

Katelny: Yeah, are you okay?

Aphmau: Hug pile!

-Hug Pile-

Vylad: Oh, sorry. I was thinking about stuff

Laurence: Like what stuff?

Vylad: Umn, nothing.

Katelyn: C'mon Vylad tell us!

Dante: You tell us everything

Aphmau: Yeah!

Vylad: It's kinda gross

Laurence: We don't care

Vylad: Oh, umn. If someone's head got ran over by a car tire-

Katelyn: Ew

Dante: That's messed up

Vylad: Let me finish. If someone's head got ran over by a car tire, will the brain matter be cleaned off?

Dabte: Probably, I mean isn't the brain kind of liquid-ish?

Laurence: *Le Shrug*

Aphmau: Why are you like this?

Katelyn: Ewww, now it's stuck in my head. Thanks Vylad

Vylad: Hey we're at school!

This was based on something that happened that happened on my bus, except for the "Hey we're at school!" and a few other stuff cause it was this morning and I didn't listen to everything.

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