Garrence Oneshot

471 9 8

Third Person P.O.V.

"Alright class, turn to page 104 and analyze the text for details and answer the questions on pages 107 to 110!" The class groaned but followed the instructions anyways. As the class started on reading the uninteresting poem, Garroth sat down in his chair and started to get his paperwork into neat piles. Once finished, there were two piles of paperwork, with six packets in each. Garroth took a pen form his pencil holder and started to work on the papers.

After getting about three pages of work done a buzz went off in his pocket, which scared him enough for his eyes to widen. I sighed and lifted his head up to see a few students whispering. "I hope you're whispering about the questions, otherwise there shouldn't be any voices to be heard."

That shut them right up, his students knew better than to ignore him.

Garroth looked back down to his papers, and then discreetly took out his phone, and turned it on. The picture of his family on a picnic popped up and a notification of a text was blocking some of the photo. The blonde softly smiled and put in his password to see his boyfriend's text message.

L-Bear: Hey Garr Garr, I'm on break how're you my love?

Garroth stifled a giggle, his class liked to get into his business and they're like his children, o course he couldn't have children. Garroth started to type back and sent his message, he then turned back to his work.

GLA: Laurrrrr! Don't text me during class! Learn to have some self control, but I gave them work so it's fine. I'm good, I miss you ^v^

Laur-Bear: Great to hear, love. Wanna go visit KC with the others for lunch?

GLA: Sure, everyone else going too? Or is it just us?~

Laur-Bear: Sadly not, but you know you wouldn't be able to work if it was~

GLA: >//p//<

"Mr. Garroth! Are you texting Mr. Zvahl again?" a student, named Ali, called out when she noticed him smiling to the side. Garroth's eyes widened and smiled cheekily, "Mmmmmmabyyyyeeee..." he said and chuckled as he put him phone down. The class put their pens and pencils down and looked up excitedly and started to chat away about their recently-found otp.

He texted Laurence back and put his phone away, and looked up at his class before clearing his throat quite loudly. "Ahem! Alright, alright, I'll admit, I was texting Laurence. But, as you guys should know, you'll have to finish the class work before you hear anything," he said.

Groans and frowns spread throughout the room as his students pick their writing tools back up and stare down at the papers on their desk. Garroth chuckled and continued to work on is papers that still lied on is desk. As Garroth got more immerse in his writing that now his cursive writing flowed along the papers, the whispering of the class couldn't be heard. 

"Mr. Garroth! We've finished the work sir!" a young student named John called out, which startled Garroth out of his daze from reality. "Oh? I see, very well. Then if you've finished this quickly, you won't mind having pages 116 through 120 for homework?" Garroth asked with a slight smirk. He listened to the class groan and write their homework assignment down as Garroth twirled his pen around in his fingers.

Garroth giggled, though he knew a mere 4 pages of work is the least of the class' problems, as he knew most of their homework for the day. "Well?" another curious student, named Brinalyn, asked on the edge of her seat with a giant smile. Garroth smiled and rolled his eyes, "All that's interesting is that we're going to lunch with our friends," the blonde said.

The class erupted into whispers and giggles and smiles, Garroth rolled his eyes at his class' interest in his life.


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