Garrence Oneshot

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Sir Stutters All Lot's P. O. V.

(If you get that reference, then you're my friend)

I was in my room, reading some random book about dragons and stuff off of my smol bookshelf. Then in the middle of a sentence in heard someone knocking on my door. I groaned and said "Hold ooooon." I sounded extremely annoyed. The person on the other side siffled a giggle. I finished reading the sentence and put my book mark in. I headed to  the door and opened it to see Aaron standing there. "Hey Aaron! What do you want?" I ask him, I was kind of suprised to see him. "Hey Garroth! Aph and I are having a party. Well, Aph is, and we're inviting you to it." Aaron said. I knew they had their wedding about a week ago. So, I'm guessing it was to celebrate that. "Oh, okay. I'll be there!" I replied, then he game me an envelope. "It has all the information in it. See you there!" Aaron said and left. I went back inside my room and read the peices of paper. I went to Laurence's door and broke his door, "Hey Laurence! We're going to Aph and Aaron's, mostly Aph's, party!" I yelled. "GAH!!! GARROTH! You scared me! Geez! Next time just knock!" Laurence exclaimed. "Sorryyyyy, I'm just excited for the party!" I apologized. He sighed and laughed, "Alright, let's see this then." he said as he reached for the papers. "Uuuum, hey Garroth?" Laurence said quite awkwardly and I turned to look at him in the eyes. "Yeees?" I reply, "Wh-what is your s-sexuality?" he asks nervously. "Heh, and you call me Stutter King!" I say and he chuckles and roll his eyes. "Oh come one! Just answer my question!" Laurence replies and I giggle. "Fiiiiine. I-I'm b-bi I guess..." I stutter out and it makes Laurence chuckle again. "Did you say somethin' Stutter King?" Laurence said with a teasing voice. "H-hey! Shut up Casonva!" I snapped and he laughed a bit. His cute laugh made me blush a bit more. "Alright, alright! Calm down Gar!" Laurence said and I went to my room to get ready.

Time Skip

Laurence's P. O. V.

Zane, Garroth, I were walking together to the party, though Zane quickly walked ahead of us. Which left Garroth and I walking, "Hey Garroth?" I said. I knew the girls would scream and fangirl, and that Zane would kill me if I confessedly love in front of them. So I had to do it now, since we'd end up playing Truth or Dare or something and I would have to confess there. "Yes Laurence?" Garroth responded and turned to me. "I-i ummm..." I stuttered, "Stuuuuutter! ~" Garroth said in a teasing voice. "Hey! You stutter way more!" I replied, and it was true. That was one of the things that made him so cute and lovable. "A-anyways, um, Garroth, I-I l-l-lo-" I tried to say, but I was stopped by warm lips. He kissed me... the love of my life kissed me...
When we pulled away we both said "I love you", then Garroth took my hand and pointed at where everyone else was. He ran there and I tried not to fall, when we were almost there he let go of my hand. I smiled at him and he did the same, I gave him a quick kiss. He blushed a bit, which made me chuckle, then I walked to Aph.

(I have so many lgbt things in my old diary that I still have, like this picture

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(I have so many lgbt things in my old diary that I still have, like this picture.)

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