Poly SHi[s

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Glazerence? (Flufff FOR U MELANIE)


 Blaze whined as Laurence got up from the couch, coldness replacing his boyfriend's body warmth which made Blaze shiver. His ears flopped down to the sides of his head and his tail curled around him once more in attempt to contain warmth. "Come baaaack," Blaze whined and Laurence turned to peek at his lover from the kitchen, the sight made him chuckle.

"I'm just making coffee, calm down. Plus, Garroth will be back soon," Laurence replied and turned back around to finish the uncompleted cup of coffee. Blaze groaned and pulled the blankets closer, it was the middle of winter and Blaze hated winter since he got so cold extremely easily. 

As their front door opened Blaze groaned even louder to make his annoyance clear to whoever had opened the door. When the coldness subsided and the door clicked close Blaze looked up from his palace of warmth. When he saw his blonde boyfriend his eyes lit up, "Garroth! Come cuddle with me! It's cold!" he exclaimed.

Garroth giggled as he hung up his coat and put his boots away, and headed over to where Blaze was on the couch. "Cold I see?" Garroth asked before he slipped next to fill in Laurence spot, and cuddled up to Blaze as the werewolf nodded. Laurence came back with hot cocoa and coffee in a tray that he placed down.

"Lemme join!" he exclaimed before jumping on the couch, Garroth and Blaze chuckled before they let Laurence into the cuddle pile. "Make your ears and tail come out! They're warm!" Blaze asked Garroth, poking his ribs. Garroth was a laughing mess since he was ticklish, "O-okay! S-stop!" Garroth let out.

Blaze let his arms rest around his two lovers while Garroth's ears and tail popped up out of thin air. Laurence smiled as Blaze ogled his ears and tail, the brunette turned the TV on and sipped some coffee. "What do you guys wanna watch?" Laurence interrupted, Garroth and Blaze both reached for the remote. 

"Ah ah ah! You two have to agree on something! No arguing today!" Laurence said, lifting the remote up into the air. "Curse your tallness!" Garroth exclaimed and crossed his arms and Blaze pouted and lowered his arm. "Peter Rabbit!" both pups exclaimed happily, Laurence rolled his eyes at the choice of movie.

When the movie started to play the three cuddled closer, and sat in content with the movie playing and their boyfriends.


"Play it! Play it!" Garroth exclaimed, jumping up and down and clapping his hand together with a wide smile on his face. "Alright, alright," Laurence sighed and stood up, "What should I play?" he asked and turned to Garroth. "Perfect, cause that's what you both are~"  Garroth cooed. Blaze and Laurence both chuckled, Blaze picked up his old flute and cleaned it before looking toward Laurence.

Laurence was stood up and had his hands on the bow and in the other hand was his giant cello, they made eye contact and nodded. "You sing," they both said when they looked at Garroth, "W-w-wait? Wh-what?" he stuttered. Both of his boyfriends chuckled, "I am not!" the blonde yelled out and crossed his arms.

"You are~" Blaze said, giving puppy eyes that he knew Garroth couldn't resist, "F-fine! But you two still have to play!" he finally said. The two nodded and focused back on their instruments, "Three, two one!" Garroth exclaimed happily, "I found a love for me~" the blonde began and watched his two his heart was held captive by.

He loved to watch them to get so focused on something, although Garroth was focused on singing the correct lyrics. He could still appreciate his lovers, " Well I found my two loved ones, stronger than anyone I know," he sang. He watched Laurence and Blaze's mouth form a smile on their face.

The three lovebirds were focused on the song, but they all felt each other's love for them.


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