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Aphmau's P.O.V

In the past month Garroth has been murdered brutally by being beaten to death, the murderer hasn't even been caught yet. Zane has jumped off an apartment building while visiting Ivy. And Vylad has disappeared a day after he got to France, their parents are still alive but they're spending their lives crying away the sorrow. The sad thing is, they all have lovers and now they seem to be swallowed up by the depression....


Laurence's P.O.V.

We were all out hanging out, sadly my Gar Gar couldn't come since he needed to go somewhere for some reason.  I had kissed goodbye though, soon we got some coffee or bubble tea and bags of clothes, toys, food, or other things. We soon heard Zane yell out "Look! It's G-Garroth!" and pointed at the other side of the other side of the street. He was lying there, all beaten up and police cars around with tape. People crowded around it and we all ran over, as soon as the police saw us they let up through.

"Wh-what happened?" I managed to say and I looked at the police officer that let us through, "He was found beaten up like this, someone reported it as they were walking down the street.". I couldn't take it, to look at Garroth like this. He was the love of my life, the one that saved me from my depression. Now, it's coming back all over again why did this have to happen to Garroth? Why not anyone else? I felt hot tears streaming down my face as I cried, we all did, even Dante and Travis. 

The murderer was on the loose, I want answers, scratch that, I need answers. The person was a physcopathic maniac for doing such a time to my ball of sunshine... I thought clenching my fists.

End Of Flashback

Aphmau's P.O.V.

Laurence has started to smoke, not eat or sleep as much, he started to do horrible things to himself ever since. Later on Travis has found out and joined his as well and they both were saying things like "It's my fault" "I shouldn't have left him" "I was an awful boyfriend" "I could've  been a better boyfriend". It really worries everyone else, we've tried literally everything to get them to stop. They only told us "We only want our lovers back, and I don't think you're some goddess/god". Everything is falling apart in here, at least we can make sure no one else will die then maybe we'll be fine...



Zane's P.O.V.

I went into a random apartment and ran in without bothering to worry about security and snatched the keys to the roof and ran up there. I quickly turned and locked the door and ran to the edge of the roof and sat down. Today was the day, I've been going through depression for way too long. I know I have Travis and all, he broke Katelyn's heart for me and I felt special for once in my stupid life. I feel bad, but this would probably be for the best, to get out of everyone's hair just like this.

But because I was thinking for so long people have started to notice me, and one of them had called my "friends". I heard people yelling at me questioning what I was going to do and to not to jump or do anything dangerous or risky. Garroth had dies a week ago, I just want to see him again and by being dead I might just have the chance to. I slowly got up on the railing my arms shaky, but I still managed to keep my balance.

"Zane! Please!  listen! There are a lot of people who love you out there! Including me, Garroth, Vylad, Zianna, Kawaii~Chan, Gene, and Travis! There are many more that love you of course! So, please don't do this! Especially since Garroth dies a week ago across this street!" I heard Aphmau, my best friend call out. I sighed, "Tch, as if my family ever loved me. They all probably faked loving me, no one could ever stand me since the day I was born to now!" I screamed as I felt hot tears run down my burning red cheeks.

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