CH1: The Begining

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Emily's POV
I woke up feeling empty, the house was quiet. It was sunday morning and my cousin Kya was coming to live with us, to make us feel better. It made me smile just thinking about it. I decided to take a shower. After my shower I got changed into black jeans and a white crop top with my brown hair in a pony tail.

I quickly walked downstairs, where Jeremy and Kayleigh was. They were both dressed. Kayleigh in denim jeans and a Hollister top with her hair down while Jeremy was wearing a grey top and some dark jeans.

"Hi you two!" I said towards them trying to cheer them up. "Where's Jenna?" I asked also Jenna is our aunt from my mums side. Kya was from my dads side.

"Jenna has gone to work" Kayleigh said looking down. Jeremy looked at me which made my heart feel sad.

"Well cheer up, Kya is coming round!" I said putting on a fake smile because I was thinking about our parent's.

"Emily maybe it's a bad idea" Jeremy suggested. He was now eating cereal.

"Don't say that" I went silent for a bit. The other two looked up at me. "Guys it's been 3 months and we are all depressed. Think of the good things, school tomorrow and It might take our mind off it all!" I said cheering myself up.

They looked at me and both smiled. "Yeah, your right!" Jeremy said. I giggled.

"You know what tonight we are going to the grill because a band is playing at 7!" Kayleigh said in a cheered up voice.

Suddenly I heard a sound and all three of us looked at the front door. I left of a smile. A girl with dark brown, slightly smaller than me and the biggest loving smile. It was Kya.

"So when are we going to the disco!" Kya asked in a voice, I knew she heard.

"Tonight to declare a nee start!" Kayleigh then stated.


It was 6:30pm, Kya had settled into the spare room which we set up to make her comfortable. I looked round my room, I turned my eyes towards the bathroom which also connected into Jeremy's room. Jeremy then stood in the bathroom doorway and I quickly started running to get in it faster.

"Shot gun me first!" He stated.

"Uhhhh fine!" I said disappointed. I looked at myself in the mirror thinking I act like a child but a mature child, an 18 year old child. I giggled.

After 5 minutes Jeremy left the bathroom, he just went in there to shave, like I had to have a shower and everything. I quickly stepped in bathroom and had a quick shower. After I got a blue short dress which the back flowed out and put it on, I brushed my hair and added a little make up.

I headed downstairs and noticed Kayleigh in this black short dress which suited her so well. Kya in a white crop top with a navy blue skirt while Jeremy had a white shirt on and some blue jeans. I reached the bottom.

"Finally cousin, your done!" Kya stated giving me a gentle smile.

"Yeah and the band starts in 10 minutes!" Kayleigh stated in an annoyed expression.

"Calm down Kayleigh, we have all night, the band finishes at midnight" Jeremy said reassuring Kayleigh.

"So shall we go because I'm so excited!" Kya said jumping with joy.

So we walked down to the grill, no one wanted to drive as we might get tipsy. Besides we are calling a taxi for our way home.

So we left to reach the grill.  

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