CH5: Knowing About Katherine & The Salvatores

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Kayleigh's POV

Emily left and noticed Damon going to get a drink. Damon turned to Stefan and I while pouring his drink. "So Stefan aren't you going to tell Kayleigh about your last love and why Kayleigh is so important" Damon said smirking at him.

"What do you mean, are you saying I'm involved in Stefan's old love life?" I questioned Damon and I then turned to Stefan. He frowned. "Stefan?"

He held my hand and pulled me over to the sofa where we met Damon already sitting there. "So what is this all about?!"

Stefan sitting next to me, looked at me and gently said "your a doubleganger."

"What does that mean?!" I asked getting stressed out.

"Basically you look like a girl and your sort of related, your her shadow self" Damon replied.

"I'm who's shadow self?" I questioned again.

"Well mine and Damon's old lover" Stefan said in a quiet voice.

"Except she's like 400 years old" Damon said smirked.

"What! How could you be in love with a 400 year old person, she's probably dead" I said getting frustrated.

"How do you know she's dead!" Damon snapped at me.

"Well if she's 400 hundred years she probably is and how could she be your lo..." I began saying until I froze. Both brothers looked at me. "How can they be real?! Are you vampires? OMG YOUR VAMPIRES!!!!!"

"Shut it before I do kill you!" Damon snapped.

"Not helping Damon" Stefan said turning to Damon. I looked at Bob and started walking backwards, I looked at the door and began heading towards the door. Both noticed me heading towards the door and I turned to opened the door while panicking. I faced the door but a body was In front of me. Stefan's.
"Kayleigh we aren't going to hurt you, trust me and let me explain" Stefan said in a soothing voice.

I gulped. "I trust you Stefan but not Damon" I said looking nervous.

"Ouch!" Damon said smirking. So annoying.

Mystic Falls 1864
Stefan's POV

I dragged Katherine into my bedroom and started kissing every inch of her face, I knee my brother liked her but she loved me. We fell instantly for each other over these weeks but I kissed her and she started coughing.

"Vervain" she stated still coughing. I reached to help her but then dad barged in muttering to himself.

"We got one!" He shouted, I could hear other voices coming up the stairs. They came in, a group of men and dragged Katherine away with my dad following behind. We reached outside and I was pushed by an older brother, Damon.

"What did you do!!!!" He said to me looking worried at Katherine being put into a cart.

"Dad must have put vervain in my drink" I said to Damon. "They must have known she was a vampire... Wait their rounding up vampires."

"Well we need to get Katherine" Damon stated.

A few minutes later the men with the cart full of vampires were on a road heading towards the church, where their going to burn the vampires. Me and Damon had a plan. It went into action.

"Ones over here, hurry!" I shouted to the vampire hunters. I lied about that one is over here. They quickly ran to me and said i should head home, but I didn't. I ran to Damon.

"We should have enough time" i said to Damon.

We opened the cart and saw Katherine in the back. She had this swap round her mouth so she couldn't bite.
"Katherine" Damon whispered as he pulled her out and place her on the floor.

We started undoing the rope tired round her wrists. We started to hear shouting.
"Hurry Damon" I stated.

We finished taking the rope off and Damon lent up slowly. BANG! I heard and looked towards Damon. He was bleeding.
"Damon, No!" I said feeling upset and I turned to Katherine who was looking weak and upset.

I sat up and looked towards the people, i had tears in my eyes. I lowered my eyes looking back and forth at Damon and Katherine. Until I head another bang and realized I've been shot. I lied on the cold ground slowly closing my eyes. I felt cold.

Mystic Falls, Present Day
Kayleigh's POV

Stefan just told me how he died and I felt sorry for him and even Damon.

"So they just killed you?" I asked.

"Pretty much but we soon dealt with it" Stefan said looking down.

"Well by dealing with it, Stefan dealt with it, not me" Damon said rasing his hands.

"Tell me what happened to you both after" I asked, I was desperate to know.

"We will tell you tomorrow" Damon stated. I looked at Stefan and he nodded.

"Fine, I'll see you after school" I said to Stefan and gave him a gentle smile. With a kiss on top his head and walked to the door.

"No bye?" Damon said smirking.

"Bye, Damon" I said walking out the door.

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