CH27: Kayleigh's Birthday

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2 Days Later

Kayleigh's POV

I'm 20 today!! A true young adult, round the age Stefan is in human life.

It's the morning of my birthday and later tonight is a party. Emily, Jeremy, Kya, Faith, Stefan, Damon, Matt and Tyler are all coming. People in my year are coming, Kol is even coming with Faith, I just think everyone is coming. But as it's the morning just the crew was coming over. I got dressed in jeans and a blue lace top. I walked downstairs to be greeted by Jeremy, Kya and Emily. All wearing casual smart clothes. They all said Happy Birthday and hugged me. They were giving them my presents once the others arrive.

Minutes later Stefan, Damon, Matt, Tyler and Faith arrived. Stefan gave me a birthday kiss as he walked in and Damon kissed Emily's head as she smiled looking forward. We all sat in the lounge and sat on all the sofas. All getting ready to hand me their gift for me.

The first present was from Faith, she gave me a lovely black dress which I'm wearing tonight. I smiled as I hugged her.

"Thanks Faith, I love it! Totally wearing it tonight!" I said as I pulled away.

The second was from Matt, he handed me a box and I placed my hands in it to find a new pair of shoes. The shoes I really needed, some new running trainers.

"Thanks Matt!" I said as I hugged him.

The third present was from Tyler. I looked at him and screened. He got me this gorgeous make up set.

"How on earth did you know?!" I screamed holding it up.

"Well I had a little help" he replied looking at Emily.

"Thanks Tyler!" I smiled hugging him.

Fourth present was from Kya. She handed me a large box. I opened it and found a nice, large handbag. It was a bag in fashion.

"Kya you shouldn't have" I said hugging her.

"Don't worry, I bought it a while back" she smiled.

Finally I had one left. It was from both Salvatore's and my siblings. It was a group present. As Emily gave it to me they all smiled. I opened the bag which revealed a small, black box. I opened the box to find an expensive bracelet, it had a hint of gold with silver lining round it.

"Guys, this is to much!" I state first.

"Do you like it?" Emily smiled. I love it.

"Your joking, I adore it! Love it! Thanks you four! Thanks everyone" I shout with excitement.

I give Emily, Jeremy a hug along with Damon but have Stefan a kiss. I looked at them and gave a confused expression.

"But how did you get it?" I asked. They looked at each other.

"Well you do have a vampire here, who is the best in everything especially compelling" Damon smirks.

"Well Stefan is better" I say which makes Damon face drops and Stefan laugh.

"Your not wrong there!" Stefan laughs.

Damon looks at Emily for his side. She looks at him and smile.

"I'm not in this but your my best" she says which makes him smile. Which makes me smile.

The morning went flying past and now the girls and I are getting ready to party at the Salvatore's house. We all put nice dresses on. I had a black, short dress on with my new jewellery and make up on. I looked at my sister who was wearing her dashing lace dress which she wore on the girls night out.

We finally arrived at the party, I walked into silence and dark. Emily had her hand round my arm and Faith and Kya behind. It was silent until the lights came on and music blasting out with everyone shouting 'Happy Birthday!' I screamed with excitement.

"Let's get this party started!" I heard Emily shout and I just screamed again.

Emily's POV

We all went our own ways, Kayleigh went to find Stefan, Faith went to find Kol and Kya went to find the boys. Me, well I was dancing. I suddenly left someone behind me wrapping their hands round my waist. I smiled b

"Damon" I smiled as he pulled me to face him.

"Emily" he said to me. He looked at me up and down. "I never get old of that dress" he smirks.

"Oh please" I smirk back. "So enjoying the party?" I ask.

"Yep because I'm with you" he says and pecks me on the lips. "When was the last time we did this?" He smirked.

I smirked at him. "Let's see maybe.... Maybe a month, might be less" I smirk at him which makes him spin me round.

Kayleigh's POV

The party has finished and we made sure everyone left, drunk or not. It was a good party, everyone sung happy birthday, I got a lot of presents and cards. I danced a lot and took some shots with Stefan but I didn't get drunk. Not even Emily, Jeremy (under age), Kya, Matt and Tyler are drunk but Stefan, Damon and Faith can't get much drunk because vampire body system.

The music was quiet but still playing and we all sat on the floor or sofa in the lounge. Stefan sat on the sofa while I was laying on him with Jeremy sitting near my feet. On the other sofa was Faith and Kya leaning on each other with Matt and Tyler. Which leads to Emily and Damon on the floor. We are all laughing, joking about.

"Right! I'll be right back, I'm off to the toilet" Emily giggles.

"Someone is nearly drunk" Jeremy laughs as Emily just shakes her head and leaves.

We all carry on laughing until the door opens. We all point our heads in the direction which leaves our eyes popping out. Elena.

"Did I miss the party?" She smirks waking in.

"Go away Elena!" Faith says annoyed.

"We were having a nice time until you appeared" I say with Stefan smiling at me.

"Oh please" Elena smirks leaning against the wall near the door.

"Wait, how do you know her?!" Jeremy asks.

I forgot he was here, Emily! We all look at him confused.

"How do you know her?" Damon asks.

"Me and Emily met her in the shops" he states, he was about to carry on until a girl voice interrupted.

"What's going on here?" Emily asks coming down. A look on her face confused.

"Emily!" Elena smiles walking to Emily.

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