CH36: This Is No Humanity

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Emily's POV

The girl and boy compelled... Check! Time is nightfall... Check! Nearly at the Salvatore's where everyone is... Check! Finally my humanity is off... Check!

I'm walking confidently down the road to the Salvatore's estate with my two companions behind me. I'm about to give the guys the best night of their life. We arrive outside the house and I turn to my buddies let's call them. But actually their names are Jake and his glorious girlfriend Riley. I turn to them and look at them both with a smirk.

"Right, you'll be fine actually no but o well you probably won't remember it" I smirk before facing the door.

I look at the door and burst open. As soon as I burst open the door I see Kya and some others jump a little. I tell Jake and Riley to wait there and they do so.

"Why hello my dearest Kayleigh, Stefan, Kya, Faith, Matt and Tyler!" I say with a smirk walking in further.

"Well what about your favourite" Damon says using his hands to point at him.

"Well my little Damon you lost that a while ago now" I smirk as he frowns a little.

I walk over and pour myself a drink of the famous bourbon. They all look at me and I just smirk and pull over a chair. I sit my but down and take a sip.

"Emily we want things to go back to normal" Jeremy starts. "Which means we want to start over and I mean everyone" he says looking at everyone as they nod.

I take on finale sip and place the glass on the table. Next I stand up and call out for my buddies. They both walk in and everyone gasps.

"Jake! Riley!" The girls gasp in horror.

"Don't bother they are compelled" I smirk and walk over to them.

"Emily you didn't!" Stefan says standing up.

"Please say you didn't!" Damon says angry at me, he gets up and walks in front of me.

"Damon, my sweet Damon" I begin and still no anger.

"Emily why on earth have you turned your humanity off" Jeremy snaps.

I sigh and rush over to him. He gasps in shocked and looks worried.

"What's wrong Jeremy?"'I ask with a smirk.

"Leave him alone! When did you turn it off!" Faith snaps. "Anyway when did you become a vampire?!"

"I turned it off because I have no pain now" I say walking back over to the buddies.

I grab Jake and pull him over to a clear space. I show my fangs off but don't feed on him, I see all the worry faces and smirk. My fangs disappear.

"I have no pain" I smirk again and Instantly snap his neck.

"No!" Kayleigh says rushing over to me and then pinning me to a wall.

"Come on Kayleigh! Have some fun, can't you smell all the fresh blood" I laugh as she looks away quickly.

"Stop it!" Kya shouts.

"Kayleigh your eyes, I saw them you know I'm telling the truth" I smirk pushing her off me and I walk back Over the Riley.

I suddenly get pulled by Faith and I quickly fight her off causing her to crash to the wall. I rush and grab Riley and suck my fangs into her and start drinking in pride. The taste of fresh, red blood.

"Emily!" I hear Matt shout at me and I stop.

What have I done? I can't turn it back on and I don't want to.

"Yeah your right, wrong death!" I smirk and snap her neck right there. "That was fun!"

Suddenly I feel a sting in my leg. I look down at it and pull an injection. Great vervain! I hold the injection and quickly look round seeing who did it. Luckily it wasn't enough to make me faint. I look round and see Stefan looking at me.

"Stefan, your very mean making me have vervain in my system" I smirk and walk over to him but stop.

My head, the pain I haven't felt before but mixed with something else. The pain in my head, thumping and ringing. I place my hands on my head and turn round. There I see Kya doing her magic on me. I fall to my knees and feel another pain in my neck. I jolt my head up to see Damon injecting me more vervain.

"Just need to get the old Emily back" he says looking worried. "You just have to flip it off" he smirks at me.

"Go to hell!" Was my last words before I black out.

Damon's POV

"What the hell just happened!" Tyler shouted annoyed.

"Well looks like someone said bye bye to their humanity" I say annoyed at Emily because why would she do that.

"Well now what!?" Jeremy asks looking at his sister on the floor.

"Well we torture her until she gives in, that's how it normally is done" Stefan says.

I pick up Emily and put ropes on her Arms which is covered in vervain. Then place her in a cell under the house, in the basement. I lock the door taking once last glance at her and walking back upstairs.

"Who wants to come tomorrow, to help?" I hear Kayleigh ask.

"None of you" I state walking over to them.

"No, people get to choose" Kayleigh demands.

"Well it's my mess!" I snap stopping in my tracks.

"It's all our mess Damon!" Faith interrupts us and I let out a sigh.

"Fine" I say and take a seat.

"Well I'm being there" Stefan says taking a seat opposite me.

"And of course I am" Kayleigh states, I have realised since Emily came back Kayleigh has been annoyed recently.

"Kayleigh what's up with you lately?" I ask looking at her confused.

"Nothing, stress finding out my dead sister is a vampire" she says dropping down next to Stefan.

"Anyone else?" Stefan asks and Faith and Kya stick their head down.

"Us three lads will be there later as we have work and school" Tyler say.

"Well it's late and I think we should go home and sleep" Kya says and they all begin to leave.

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