CH2: Mystic Grills Disco

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Emily's POV

We reached the grill, I could hear the band killing it, people cheering, laughing and dancing everywhere.

"Come on Emily lets get drinks" Kya asked pulling me away. "Jeremy, Kayleigh start dancing" she then said while letting of a laugh.

"Four shot's please" I asked the bar tender. He nodded and went to get the drinks. I looked round and noticed at the end of the bar was a man standing, looked age 24. He had dark hair, he was wearing black jeans with a black vest top under his black jacket. The bar tender then gave me and Kya our drinks. I looked back at the man, he looked up and raised his glass to me. I got one shot and raised it to him, not drinking the shot though.

"Emily, you so like him!" Kya stated to me. I turned to her.

"I don't even know who he is so I can't like him without meeting him" I stated back to Kya.

We arrived back to the other two. Everyone took their shot and we all shouted "cheers!"


It was now 10pm and we started getting tipsy, you could tell. Jeremy was taking shots with Kya and Kayleigh dancing and singing her heart out. While I was on this table that was stuck to the ground. I had a massive smile on my face, moving my hips side to side, we were pretty wasted. I danced and danced until it turned to 10:30pm.

We were outside the grill, Kayleigh, Kya, Jeremy and I were outside waiting for the taxi to get here. I was getting tired. The taxi finally got here so we all hopped in. I was the last to get in, I turned round and noticed the same guy I saw in the grill smirking at me. I smirked back and he just laughed. I just quickly got in the taxi and the taxi left heading back to the house.We arrived back home, we all walked into our bedrooms got changed and just all went to sleep.

Suddenly my eyes shot open and saw a crow at my window. The dark feathers shinning in the moon light, the crow let out a call.
"Hey there bird, you scared me" I said in a gentle way. I turned to my alarm clock next to my bed it read 1:30am. It was Monday, I knew I had to go back to bed because of school but I quickly got up and said to the bird "You need to go" I shooed the bird away, "bye crow!" I whispered and quickly locked my window and headed back to bed.

So it was short, the chapters will get longer :)

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