CH10: It's Going To Hell

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Damon's POV

I didn't see Emily after that, I felt bad but it didn't bother me if they talked about me. Yes it hurts but I get on with it but Emily is getting lied to she doesn't know I'm a vampire.

I walked up the Gilberts porch to find Kayleigh sitting on the swing seat. She looked at me and smiled, I went to sit next to her and she looked at me.

"What are you doing out so late?" I asked.

"I'm just thinking about this whole truth, that I'm double ganger and Katherine is somewhere" she replied. My heart sunk thinking about how Katherine broke it. "I can't believe I look like her!"

"Hey it's not your fault and have you seen Emily?" I asked beginning to get up.

"She's asleep, I wouldn't bother she has been quiet the entire time" she said pulling me back down.

"Is she ok?" I asked.

"Yeah she's fine, my sister is just a bit down" she replied.

"Well I better get going then" I say. We both get up and walk to the stairs.

"I'll see you around" Kayleigh says and suddenly I felt her warm lips on me, I didn't know what to do. I just backed up and left.

Kayleigh's POV

I walked through the door and walked into the kitchen. I quickly froze.

"Uncle John!!" I screamed and rushed towards him. His fingers were sliced off and he was stabbed. Emily and Jeremy came running down the stairs. They both froze too.

"Call the ambulance!" I said to Jeremy and he rushed over to the phone. It turned to face him with Emily walking slowly, tears were running through our eyes.

"Behind you Emily" he whispered. Then Emily quickly grabbed a knife and turned quickly around.

"Stay with me John" I said wishing the ambulance came quicker.

Minute's later they arrived and we rushed to the hospital. At the hospital Jenna, Kya and Damon met us there.

"You two ok?!" Damon said quickly hugging Emily.

"I'm going to John, I'll be here if you need me" she quickly hugs me and Emily and then leaves.

"Why is this happening?" Emily asks. I just gave her a big sister hug.

"Kayleigh about what happened earlier" Damon started saying. I was confused, I was with Stefan the whole time.

"Damon..." I asked looking confused.

"Kayleigh we kissed!" Damon then stated and he turned to Emily who looked hurt.

"Damon you didn't, I was with Stefan!" I stated.

"But you were with me" Emily then said. We all went silent.

"You have to be kidding me" Damon then said annoyed. "Katherine"

Emily's POV

Damon quickly put Kayleigh and I in the car and then he quickly drove off. We arrived at the boarding house and Stefan was laying in the floor with a stake through his back.

"Stefan!" Kayleigh quickly said rushing towards him pulling the stake out. Then his cut just healed.

"This can't be happening" Kayleigh said. I stayed quiet because I was confused.

"Katherine was here! I wanted to come to the hospital but she came" Stefan said, who the hell is Katherine.

"Me and Kayleigh kissed" Damon then spatted out.

"What?!" Stefan whispered and did the fastest run I've ever seen towards Damon. He started holding Damon by the throat.

"It was Katherine Stefan, I would never do that!" Kayleigh stated. Stefan then dropped Damon and stood still.

"Can some one tell me what the hell is happening!!?" I shouted. All three looked shocked and forgot I was there.

"Go to sleep upstairs and I'll tell you tomorrow" Kayleigh then said. So I walked upstairs and found an empty bedroom. I was upset, what was Stefan? What was Damon?

I had to many things on my mind like Stefan, Damon, visions, finishing high school and Uncle John. Graduation was in like 2 months that made me nervous. I just laid down and rested my eyes.


The next morning I woke up and the sun was shining  onto my face. My head was still buzzing from the thoughts, I didn't know if I wanted to talk or not. I quickly leapt up and got my hat and cardigan I was still wearing the same outfit from last night.

I was tiptoeing down the stairs, everyone was here all the gang. They were all in the library so I crept to the door and began to open it. Then suddenly it slammed shut. "Damn!!!" I cursed.

"You going somewhere?" Kya asked walking out the library to the hall.

"Im going home to get my mind clear" I stated annoyed.

"You can't leave right now" Kayleigh then said walking out while being followed by the others. "We haven't had that talk."

"I don't want to talk I don't care about this whole situation" I stated before opening the door and running out.

I looked behind me and everyone was running after. I turned to face forward and slammed into someone. I looked up and it was Damon.

"What's wrong!" Damon asked me and I was thinking about my vision. I've been getting more recently this time Damon was joined by Stefan and Kya.

I stoop up and held my hands to my head. "What's happening to me" I said getting scared "why me!?" I kept saying to myself.

The others all caught up and stood behind me Kayleigh, Kya, Faith, Jeremy, Matt, Tyler and Stefan with Damon in front of me.

"We need to talk!" Kya demanded. I took a step back and Damon grabbed my hand.

"Damon get off!!!" My thoughts and visions mixing together, I'm finally starting to understand them. Damon released my hand and looked worried.

"Emily listen your ok, we need to talk to you, all of us" Damon said in a sweet voice.

"My head it hurts!" I stated and then took a step back.

"Emily?" Stefan said in a concerned voice.

"Stay away I mean it!" I demanded again. Kya took a step closer. "No!"

"Emily what's wrong your not like this" she asked taking a step back.

"Why should I tell you" I looked at them and then pointed to Kya. "Witch" I said and then pointed at Stefan and Damon. "Vampires!"

They all looked shocked and turn I began to fall. Damon tired catching me but was to late and I banged my head against the stone floor. Darkness came to my sight.

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