CH35: This Is Me

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Emily's POV

I'm in the bar walking round, placing Elena's heart on the bar. I walk round the side and see a stereo and turn it up, the great pop music flying into my ears. Next I grab a bottle of bourbon and go back to the other side of the bar.

Next thing I know I'm dancing, drinking and throwing darts into Elena's heart. I know sick right... But no, it's fun actually.

"Yes!" I shout as I throw a dart right into the centre of her heart.

I walk over a pull out the darts and place them on the table. Grabbing the bourbon and taking a sip I hear someone walking in and my guess the guys. Immediately I throw the bourbon at the door and hear a low scream. I turn my head and see everyone enter.

"Welcome" I say while doing a sarcastic curtesy.

I see them looking round the place and I walk to the bar and sit on the counter. They walk closer but out of reach.

"Well we have vodka, champagne... Now that's fun" I smile as they look annoyed.

I jump down from the counter and head to the darts.

"Ok ok not your thing, well next I have throw a dart at Elena's heart" I smirk and grab the heart. "So useless" I say throwing the heart behind me.

Suddenly I feel myself pinned up on the wall and I see the face, Kayleigh. She looks mad but I'm the one mad at her. With all my power I throw her off me and causing her to land on a table. Doing that she breaks it during her fall.

"What's up with you Kayleigh" I smirk confused.

"What has happened to you" she says getting up and walking to me.

"What's happened?! What's happened to you!?" I question getting angry.

"What's with your attitude?!" Faith demands throwing me to the wall.

Ok now I'm pissed.

"You want to know, I'm back hooray! After all the weeks and months I'm back, to kill the vampire and start reliving my life" I start and they can tell I'm angry.

"You guys always saying what's right for me and I suffered all this pain and..." I stop for a minute thinking.

I need to leave.

"Excuse me I have to go" I say before rushing out the door. But before I left I turned my head. "This is me!" I snap.

Kayleigh's POV

"This is me!" Emily snaps and speeds out.

This kills me! I just thought with her! I sigh in annoyance.

"She's always great" Damon smirks at me and I walk further in the room.

"Well now what?" Matt asks out loud, I carry on walking and pick up the heart.

"First we get rid of this!" I snap at her doing and the others look at me then the heart.

"I think he means, what do we do with Emily?" Stefan says walking to me.

"I don't know" I say quieter.

"Well we get her back of course" Faith demands. "She's alive, we find out what happened!"

"Faith is right" Kya says stepping forward. "But she has to come to us!"

We all nod our heads and clean up the mess. By the time we leave its nightfall and we discuss tomorrow. We are all going to the Salvatore's house and hope she comes, if she hasn't turned off her humanity we talk but if she has, well that's different.

Emily's POV

I wake up in a motel room on the outside of Mystic Falls. I hear people talking from their cars as they all arrive back home. I rushed out because they think I have my humanity off, well that's my plan, I turn it off at the time I go and see them.

It's now turning dark, time round 6:30 and I'm ready to do this. I'm walking down the streets and see a couple. Plan is I act dead, second I grab them and finally I compel them and the fun begins. I quickly lay myself down with my eyes shut, from my hearing I can hear the footsteps quicken. This is wear I turn my humanity off.

"Emily?!" They both whisper shout.

"I thought she was gone?" The girl voice says, well glad to see people know me.

I can sense them kneeling next to me and then I feel a finger touch me. Ok, action time. I quickly grab them both and knock them out. I pull them to the side in an alley and first look at the male and then the female.

"You shall not speak and only do what I say" I say looking at them both. "Do I make myself clear?" I ask them.

Both nod their heads in agreement. My plan is working, the guys want me to have humanity and go back to being friends, well time has changed.

I have my humanity off and want some fun!

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