CH40: Kols Surprise To Faith

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4 Days From Last Chapter

Faiths POV

"She's not coming back!" Damon shouts angry. "I've lost her again!"

"Damon calm down" Stefan says.

"No Stefan!" Damon shouts and flops down on the sofa.

"We should have never let her go" Kayleigh sighs as I nod.

At the moment it's only me, Kayleigh, Stefan and Damon. We have had no sign of Emily because no ones seen her. When we all sit there silent and in deep thought my phone bleeps. I pick it up and look at the text.

Kol: Hey Faith I got your message from yesterday and would you like to meet up at the hidden lake?

I'm shocked and happy that he's texting me, I thought I lost him and yes I texted him yesterday.

Faith: Sure, I'll see you there

I send and get up. All the others look at me confused as I smile.

"Who was it?" Kayleigh asks.

"That was Kol wanting to meet up" I say smiling to her.

She stands up and runs to me. Her smile not disappearing.

"Finally!" She shouts. "Now go!" She pushes me out the door.

After some time I arrive at our hidden lake or more like deep pond. I walk through the arch and see the blue, glowing, warm water which sparkles under the sunlight. I'm alone because I can sense it, fashionably later for Kol. I walk closer to the water seeing my reflection in it. My hair flowing to my shoulders and cheeks turning a pink.

"Well don't you look beautiful" the gorgeous deep British accent I hear behind me.

I spin round and see him leaning against the side of a rock. That lovely smirk he wears and wearing a tux, that's new I smile to myself.

"Kol" I breath out breathless.

"Still get that feeling on you I see" he smirks as I do a light laugh.

"Still" I smile out as he walks over to me.

We stand in front of each other quietly because it's perfect. We have missed this and needs this. Just the two looking deep in each others eyes.

"I've missed this" I whisper looking down embarrassed.

"Me too" he says and puts his hand up my chin and makes me look at him.

We slowly lean in and I suddenly feel his soft touch. It's perfect. The kiss drags on and gets more emotional. We pull away breathless and smile.

"I'm sorry" he whispers looking down in disappointment.

"I know you are and I'm sorry too" I peck him on the lips again.

"Good because we are spending the whole day here" he states laughing and walking over to some food and drinks.

"Where did these come from?" I ask looking at him.

"They were here the whole time" he smirks. "Want some?"

"When wouldn't I?" I laugh.

The whole day we spend in the secret area. We eat, drink, swim, laugh and maybe kiss a couple of times. The day was good, great even. Right now Kol is holding my hand and leading me up a hill. He turns his head to me and smiles.

"What are you up to?" I ask curiously.

"Nothing" he laughs nervously.

We reach the top of the hill and I gasp in surprise. Little candles everywhere, blankets and quiet music. What's he doing? He leads us closer.

"You like it?" He asks smiling away.

"I love it" I reply and squeezes his hand more.

"Good" he finishes.

We stand there watching the sun drop. I sense a gaze on me and it was Kol looking at me. I laugh and he notices me then chuckles.

"Faith" he begins with and makes me turn to face him.

"Kol" I smile.

"You know we are always here for each other and I want to make a difference to this" he states.

"Ok?" I say nervous.

But it all changes with him dropping onto one knee and my smile widens. Tears nearly forming and his gentle eyes on me looking nervous.

"Kol?" I say breathless.

"Faith will you do the honours of marrying me?" He asks as I shake my head saying yes.

"I will!" I shout with happiness filling me.

"O thank god!" He shouts and puts the ring on my marriage finger.

The ring is beautiful, silver with a diamond incrust.

"I love you Faith" he smiles giving me a deep kiss.

"I love you too" I say in the kiss.

Tears were now forming in my eyes and falling. I was happy and with the man I love.

I'm getting married to Kol!

I'm in love! I shout on the inside.


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