CH23: Damon & Emily Drama

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Emily's POV

I woke up to a buzzing phone. I looked at the screen to see 8 missed calls and 15 from Kayleigh, Stefan, Kya, Faith and Damon. Most messages say 'where are you?' 'Please pick up' and so on. I forgot to wake up and fell asleep in the woods.

I lifted my self up and felt pain in my back, I obviously slept funny but I got on with it. My phone beeped again and it was Jeremy.

Jeremy- Emily where are you? Everyone is at home worrying about you while Damon is still looking. Emily he's been searching all night!

I couldn't be bothered to reply and I smiled to myself because he said Damon has been looking all night. That's why I fell in love with him, he cares but doesn't show it.

I started walking out the woods and reached the road which is in front of the Mystic Falls sign. I sighed in knowing my life is a mess. My feet were killing me from my heels and my eyes hurting from tears and my brain just hurts over everyone.

Damon's POV

"So where do we stand?"

Those words keeping playing through my mind, Emily asked that question and I just walked away. I hate myself!

Kya tried doing a locator spell but Elena ruined it. So I'm looking not knowing where she could be. 

I walked through the door to the Gilbert's house to find Stefan and Faith pacing round the room, Kya sitting next to Jeremy talking where she might be and Kayleigh sitting looking at her phone. They all see my walk in and look at me with hope.

"Anything?" Kya asks as I close the door behind me. I just nod my head in disagreement.

"But if Elena touched her I will stake Elena myself!" I demand with all eyes on me.

I go to lean against the wall and we all stay in our positions for at least 10 minutes. Until the door handle clicked and we all gasp in relief. To see Emily walking through the door looking shocked to see us all here. Before we can even go to her she gets her hands to make a stop gesture.

"I can't deal with this angry, relief and questions. So please just let me get freshened up and sorted out" she says not laying her eyes on me.

Emily's POV

I walk upstairs and because I'm shocked that everyone is here and Damon. But Damon is my boyfriend so yeah. It's just now awkward because from the party. Once arrived in my room I remove my clothes and have a shower. In the shower I can't help but sing but as vampires are in the house I sing quietly. I start to sing 'Rise' by Katy Perry.

Oh, ye of so little faith

Don't doubt it, don't doubt it

Victory is in my veins

I know it, I know it

And I will not negotiate

I'll fight it, I'll fight it

I will transform

I start to sing while my hands are on my head washing shampoo out.

When, when the fire's at my feet again

And the vultures all start circling

They're whispering, you're out of time

Then I start to put shower gel over my body as well as putting conditioner over my hair. Still doing little dance movements while beginning to wash ot both off.

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