CH39: A light Is Breaking Through

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Emily's POV

It's been a week and now I'm starving, they have been draining me from human blood. I haven't had any in ages. I've had no more torture and now I'm getting fed up with me being in here. I'm sitting down on the floor and my eyes are heavy. I think the time is evening so sleep is nearly consuming me. Then it hits me. Sleep.


"Damon! Give it back you stupid person!" I shout at him while running round the house so he can give back my teddy.

I know stupid right. This teddy, he knew it's special and yet he still makes fun of me.

"Sorry Em, just too tempting like you know just wanting to cuddle it" he laughs at me hiding behind the table.

"Just give it hear, I'll do anything" he smirks.

"You promise" he asks with a smile and I nod. "Come here and kiss me" he smirks.

I walk over and kiss him on the lips, our lips move in sync until I pull away. He smirks and hands me the teddy.

"Thank you" I whisper and turn round.

I'm suddenly pulled and I see Damon holding my neck. I look at him confused and tears start forming in my eyes.

"Damon?" I choke out confused.

"Turn it back on" he demands.

"Turn what on?" I ask confused.

"Your humanity!" He says still griping on my neck.

"Damon? It is turn.." I say and then darkness.


"Get out of my head!" I shout at the door with my eyes shooting open.

"Still dreaming about me and your teddy" Damon shouts down and I could her giggles but couldn't figure who.

I think it's all the gang, great. I can slightly hear them talking from the lack of blood.

"Shut up and let me out!" I demand back getting up and walking to the door and then walk back.

"Turn it on then!" Damon shouts back.

"It's not easy!" I shout back.

"Think sad emotions!" I hear Faith shout.

"Can't do if I have known emotions!" I shoot back. "Hey Faith! How's you and Kol!" I smirk.

"Go to hell!" She shouts down.

"Make me!" I snap from bellow.

They all carry on talking and I can't stand it.

"What about if I turn it on and you let me go?!" I shout and it goes silent.


"Well? If I turn it on?" I ask again and the door opens revealing Damon.

He walks to me and I can't do anything as I'm weak. He takes me by my upper arm and drags me upstairs. I see the familiar faces looking at me and I sense a new smell. I pull a confused face as they smile at me. Ok?

Damon sits me on a chair, no surprise there. I could still sense the smell, my eyes were wandering and I spotted everyone coming in. But my eyes finally found a weak young girl. My eyes widen and the girl looked up. It was a 16 year old I turned to be my friend, her name is Meg.

"Meh?" I said looking at her worried.

She was my friend and helped me through the hard time.

"E.. Emily?" She asked weak and I nodded with a smile.

I noticed she was bruised and has blood round her. They tortured her.

"Wait you doing guys?" I asked as I sat waiting and tried lifting my legs but couldn't.

"You want your humanity on and I found the perfect person to help with" Damon smirked.

"You see Katherine helped for once and told us about your little friend" Stefan said coming closer. "A person who will help."

"You want me to kill my friend and then I bring my humanity back and then you want me back with you guys!" I shouted with the feeling sadness creeping up.

"Exactly Em" Kya says.

"No!" I snapped.

"Let's start" Kayleigh says sadly.

I looked at Meg and her life flashed before her. Her lifeless body fell to the ground and I could her me shouting and tears flowing down my face. I ran to her and caught her body and Kent it on me.

"Meg wake up! Your to young to die!" I cry and remembered that...

My humanity is back.

She doesn't move and I know I'm to late. What have I done?! I've been so stupid!

", no" I whisper before shouting. "No!"

I cry and feel the tears run down my face and suddenly more tears escape. As all the memory's come back.

"I killed Riley and Jake" I whisper shock to myself.

I look down and stand up but I begin wobbling. I see the concerned faces and I look at my hands. But on my hands all I see is blood. I need to escape this.

"Emily?" Kayleigh says walking closer to me and wraps her arms round me slowly.

I freeze until my heart takes over and hugs her back but quickly let's go. I pull myself away.

"I need to go" I say and rush out the door leaving everyone behind.

Kayleigh's POV

It's been hours since Emily left. Is she coming back?

"Well me and Kol are meeting finally" Faith shouts happily.

"Go girl!" Kya shouts.

"Hey Kayleigh" Stefan says snuggling next to me.

"Hey" I mutter but stay in thought.

"What's up?" Stefan asks.

"Do you think she'll come back?" I ask for a positive answer.

He looks down and then at me and smiles.

"She will, when the time comes" Stefan smiles.

"She hugged me" I whisper and smile.

"I know right! She didn't hug me either!" Damon says shocked as I laugh.

"She's going to forgive you" I say to Damon as he sits in front of me.

"Let's hope" he smiles to himself.

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