CH33: How I Turned

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Emily's POV

"So Kayleigh is a vampire now"' I smirk to Katherine.

Katherine and I are back in a small town where Katherine like owns. I know that's my mother. Anyway we returned from New Orleans telling Klaus and Elijah my plan for what's coming up. You don't need to know it now but you will. So I'm laying on my bed, I just finished drinking beer from a blood bag and I think I'm a pretty good vampire. The compelling is easier, the speed is great so anyway I'm laying on my bed thinking about how I turned.

*Flash Back*

My eyes slowly opening, my body feeling the cold ground under me. My body feels cold and I can just about mange to sit up. I turn my head side to side to see I'm far from Mystic Falls. I look at my body to see dirt, mud and plants over me.

I finally get up and look at my surroundings. The trees towering over me, the sun rising in the distance and the water rushing by me. I start walking with no idea where, my body hurting on my body and head. I walk in hope of finding a road. I probably look like a mess right now so I'm hoping no one sees me.

"Hello" I say as I enter a town.

People must be in bed as no answers and no movement stirs.

"Hello" I say walking further in.

The breeze brushes through my hair and my body shivers at the coldness.

"Emily?" I hear a woman's voice, I turn to see Katherine.

"Katherine" I say in hope, she looks at me up and down, studying me and then looks at my face.

"What happened?" She asked my coming closer. "But first let's get you out of this dirty clothing which looks like puke and freshen you up because you smell!" She smirks at me.

"Ok" I say and we start waking towards a street. "Katherine..." I begin until she cuts me off.

"This is my town Emily if you were asking" she begins as I nod. "Oh and Emily call me Mother or something, I always wanted my child to call me that" she smirks again.

"Ok... Mother?" I say and she nods.

We arrive at a large house on the end of the street. I look at it from outside, it's gorgeous detail printed on the white building, the cream front door opened from Katherine and we walked inside.

The indoor detail was much better, the house was big, the lounge crystal clean, the kitchen was everything you imagined with the dark counters and the dining room let's say massive. Katherine took me to my room which was large with an en suit.

"Hope you like the room" she smirks. I was speechless.

"Didn't want my daughter living in some poor house" she said, typical Katherine. "Now get cleaned up and I'll see you later!" She smiled walking off.

*End Of Flashback*

I was out of my thought as Katherine walked in and sat on the bed looking at me. I smiled to her as she somehow gleamed.

"What's up mother?" I asked curious and she smiled.

"Just checking how you are and now get some sleep, but days are coming up" she laughed as I did. The plan was coming together I see.

My sight starts going blurry and black spots appear. Then my vision is no more and my dream is just memories.


"You sure about this?" A British voice hits my ears as I stay looking out the window at the cold, dark night.

"Emily? This is a big choice, I've gave you my blood already" Katherine says slightly getting annoyed.

I look at the two, I walk over to Katherine and smile and then walk to the man with the British accent.

"Mother has feed me blood, you can now turn me" I say to Kol as he looks down. "Kol, is three keep this a secret okay?"

"Yes Emily but you sure? Faith will kill me" he says looking nervous.

"I will sort Faith out one day but they won't know, they think I'm dead by now" I say getting more nervous.

"You sure?" Kol asks again.

"Kol, why so nervous?" Katherine laughs as Kol and I glare.

"Do it Kol!" I say confident and he smiles.

"Your going to enjoy Vampire Life" he smirks and then my life flashed in front of me.

*End Of Dream*

I shoot up from laying down, I look out the window to see it dark. So that's how I got turned, Katherine's, Kol's and my secret. Klaus, Elijah and Rebekah don't know, Tyler, Matt and Faith don't know and Jeremy, Stefan and Kayleigh and Damon don't know. Well I'm dead!

• Jeremy, Matt, Tyler will kill Katherine.
• Faith, Stefan and Kayleigh will kill Kol.
• But Damon will kill Katherine, Kol and me.

Yep I'm dead, super super dead. But then I feel that annoying edge feeling for blood. So I get up and walk downstairs to the basement where a freezer is and filled with blood bags. I grab one a take sips as I walk back up stairs and then I freeze. I froze in front of a mirror looking at my appearance. I don't know if I like the new me.

My skin has gone a bit more pale, my day light ring is annoying sometimes, my eyes are more bold but beautiful and my figure is a bit slimmer. As for my hair is the same, personality is the same well some parts. I have a fun and normal side but now I have a side where I can get grudge from but that's from Katherine. By staying with her I have become a confident, strong, determined girl who all the boys look at but I don't care. I don't like them. But when I'm alone I sometimes break down but not enough to lose my humanity.

I'm not a vampire to turn it off, I'm Emily Gilbert. I'm a strong vampire.

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