CH22: Elena Needs To Go

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Damon's POV

I was talking to Stefan about Emily and he sighs until the girls walk in Kayleigh, Kya, Faith and Emily. Emily went to bed and the others walked over. On the opposite sofa was Stefan, Kayleigh and Faith while Kya sat next to me.

"Your so lucky Kayleigh!" I state. "Elena could of been here!"

"Hey Damon don't take it out on Kayleigh, it's your fault with Elena!" Stefan states annoyed.

"I'm sorry, I tried to stop us!" Kayleigh demanded.

"Who Elena?" Faith asks. Great more people.

"Forgot you were here" I say rolling my eyes.

"So who is she?" Kya asks curious.

So me and Stefan tell them the whole story and why I'm avoiding Emily.

"Your in some deep shit!" Faith says annoyed.

"You think" I say sarcastically.

"What will Emily think?!" Kya says louder.

"That's why we are keeping it a secret!" Kayleigh says looking upset.

"She's going to kill us!" Faith says getting nervous.

"Just relax" Stefan says reassuring everyone. I then stand up and everyone looks at me.

"We need to get rid of Elena! Elena needs to go! But first I'm seeing my girlfriend" I say.

"She's not happy with you, she's unsure on your relationship" Kayleigh says which makes me hurt. But I ignored her and went to see Emily, my girlfriend.

I came into my bedroom as where she will probably be and she was. It's a good thing Elena had to do something but it still worry's me. I sit down next to her and put my hand and softly wipe ot across her face. She's so calm when she's sleepy.

"I love you Emily" I whisper to her before kissing her softly on the lips trying not to wake her. "I will always choose you."

With that said I walked out.

Emily's POV

As soon as Damon left I let out a bright smile still with my eyes closed. I didn't feel like sleeping and the alcohol went down a bit so I was more fine then a minute ago. So I opened my eyes and silently opened the window and hopped out then headed to the park.

I was still in my dress and looked down at my heels which I was still wearing. I loved the dress because I always think of Damon's smile as he looked through that window. I started coming up to the park and sat down at a bench. I know I should probably be scared as my home town is invested with vampires but O well.

"I don't get you Damon" I muttered to myself. I sat there thinking about the way Damon has been acting, one moment he's ignoring me the next he's back to me and then back to avoiding.
I started to feel coldness onto my open legs and got up and started to walk round town not knowing where to go.

I stopped in my tracks as I saw the girl I met the other day, Elena I think it was. She was feeding on a helpless body. She lets go of the cold body and looks at me with a smirk.

"Emily, nice to see you again" she says with a smirk. I got a bit nervous but didn't show it.

"Elena pleasures all mine" I reply with a smirk.

"Just like your mother Katherine!" She says holding onto the smirk.

"How do you know my mother!?" I snap. She doesn't do anything and giggles.

"She hasn't told you about me?" She giggles again. I pulled a confused look.

"Well I can't compel you so I guess I have to tell you" she sighs looking bored.

"So how?" I state.

"Katherine tried to kill me and the Salvatore's stopped her then a couple of months later she left" she said.

"How do you know the Salvatore's?" I asked nervously.

"O god they haven't told you, I wouldn't ask them if I was you" Elena said.

"Ok? But that didn't answer my question!" I snapped again and this time she looked annoyed at me. She did her fast speed to me and stood in front of my face. Her heels made her taller then me.

"Well that's not for me to tell" she said and smirked. "Also I won't tell them I bumped into you, they might kill me" she smirked. I just pulled a confused face.

She then just took off somewhere into the night which left me more curious. But I carried on my walk. I then stopped and my head started hurting and a vision appeared. I clutched my hands to my head as images went through my head.

I saw me with a lot of tears, then Damon and Elena...kissing, then me in front of a cliff which dips to a lake and the others behind me telling me to calm down but it looked like I was crying to much.

What did this all mean? Maybe it might not happen, I don't know, I rarely have visions. My life!

I carried on walking until I was in the woods and then found my self a tree to sit next to. I sat on the cold dirt with my back against the bottom of the tree and darkness started to appear.

Damon's POV

I was sitting downstairs with the others until the door barged open and guess who it was...

"Elena" I said towards the person coming in. "Happy your back" I said with sarcasm.

"Yes and I see we have guests" she says. I look towards the others looking nervous.

"Don't be scared" she smirked at them. "Who do we have, hmmm. We have the witch Kya, the vampire Faith and Kayleigh. Stefan's beloved girlfriend and Emily's sister!" She smirked more.

"Give it a rest Elena!" Stefan says standing up as I just sit there watching the fire burn.

"I've already met you Elena!" Kayleigh snapped.

"I know" Elena giggled as she walked over to the bourbon on the side.

"If your here, where's Emily I wonder?" She said sarcastically.

"If you so dam touch her, I might consider killing you!" I snapped getting up and giving her a stare like everyone else.

"So is she upstairs?" She smiled. "I might want to say hi!"

"Your not going upstairs Elena!" Faith snapped at Elena. I walked closer to the stairs until someone stopped me.

"I wouldn't if I was you" Elena said causing me to turn.

"Excuse me?" I said annoyed.

"I wouldn't besides she's not there" Elena replied.

"Where is she Elena?" Kya asked getting angry.

"I didn't touch her, I saw her in town she walked up to me with tears in her eyes. No wonder I could hear someone say "I don't get you Damon" She said with her face wondering to each of ours.

"I think she was crying over you?!" Elena said and smiled.

"Your lying!" Kayleigh snapped.

"Have a look" she said so I went to my room.

I opened the door to find no Emily. My heart started to beat faster, was she in trouble. I walked downstairs.

"She's not there, guys come on!" I said until Kya said something.

"Damon I can do a locate spell" Kya said. I nodded.

"This will be fun!" Elena said going upstairs b

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