CH26: Think Just Think

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Kayleigh's POV

We were in the Salvatore's apart from Jeremy, Matt, Tyler and Emily. So it was me, Stefan, Damon, Faith and Kya. We were discussing whats happening.

"Damon you need to tell Emily at one point" Stefan states looking at his brother.

"I know Stefan but we are to far in" Damon replies to Stefan as he sighs.

"So shall I use my witch power to make a vein burst in her head?" Kya asked.

"I don't know guys, about this?" Faith said. "We can't kill her, she hasn't done anything wrong yet she's just threaten us" Faith replied.

Everyone looked shocked.

"Maybe she's right?" I say helping Faith out. "Elena hasn't done any..."

"Thanks guys! Your so nice besides I know more then you and you can't kill me because I know how you play" Elena smirks waking in.

"What do you mean?" I question. She smiles.

"Well I'm a vampire, I met some people so I'm a bit more powerful and besides Stefan might kill me but Damon he won't" she smirks before walking away.

I look at Damon and see him look down.

"Damon?" I ask, he looks up and gives me a weak smile.

"I'm fine, need some air and time to think about how to kill her!" He begins. "I want Emily not her! She's ruining my relationship with Emily, she knows I care to much about Emily" he says before speeding off with anger.

Damon's POV

I speed off needing Emily, she makes me better. I hate myself I'm a bad person but now I'm getting emotional, no! I'm not an emotional person!

I arrived at Gilberts house to see Emily on the porch seat. But something was different she was sweating, hot and she was shaking.

"Emily?" I said rushing to her. Nothing. "Emily please say something?" I asked again.

Emily's POV

"Emily please?" Damon asked again.

It was a vision. I saw it clearly and I couldn't explain it but I knew what happened. It scared me to bits.

"Damon" I say scared. He sighs and hugs me.

"You going to be fine" he reassures me. "What happened?"

"A... A vision Damon. I saw something that I can't explain" I say and he looks at me worried with a hint of guilt. But I ignore it.

"Emily it's ok" he says and hugs me again.

I pull away and laugh.

"I'm a mess" we both laugh. "I love you Damon Salvatore" I say looking deep in his eyes.

"And I love you too Emily Gilbert or Emily Petrova" he smirks.

"Very funny Damon" I say with sarcasm.

We both lean in and our warm soft lips meet. Fireworks exploded and we were focused on each other. We pulled away and both smiled.

"I'll think I'll stick with Gilbert for now" I say, smiling gently as I kiss his cheeks.

"Now I've got to go and I'll see you later?" I ask, we both get up.

"I'll se you later, be safe" he says which I nod my head.

We kiss for the last time before I go where I need to go. I get in my car as I see him waking away. I sit in the drivers seat and drive to my special place. It's a little cliff which over hangs the lake of Mystic Falls. I go there when I'm upset or I just need to think. I mean think just think. No distractions.

I arrive and park my car on the dirt road and begin to walk up to the place. The sun shining on me from above. I sit down with my legs hanging over the cliff. The soft breeze hitting my face, my hair swooshing round my head. I look out to the distance.

"Just 3 weeks left till College" I say to myself. "2 days is Kayleigh's 20th Birthday."

I lean my head backwards making my body fall back. Laying there, looking at the blue sky with barley any clouds.

Kayleigh's POV

I'm sitting on the front step in front of the Salvatore's front door. Everything is a mess, my birthday is coming up at a horrible time. Let's hope it goes to plan.

I don't want people to get hurt. Emily is already in enough damage by love.

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