CH9: We'll That's How It Starts

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(Emily and Damon in picture above)

Kayleigh's POV

It's been a day since Damon has included me into this Katherine thing. I've been looking for this journal and it's definitely hard to find. I got all these boxes out from the attic. Hopefully they have these old belongings.

"What are you doing with mum and dads old stuff?" Jeremy asked walking out from his bedroom.

"Well I'm looking for this old Gilbert journal" I said looking through the old belongings.

"Oh the journal" Jeremy said.

"What do you know about it Jer" I said looking at him confused.

"I just did a project on vampires" He said.

"Vampires? Jer you did a project on that category?" I asked looking worried. Does he know they are real.

"Well I got the information from this journal but I don't believe in that stuff" He stated walking closer to me.

Phew. "So where is it now" I asked again.

"I have it to my teach, you know Alaric" he said looking at me confused. "Why do you need it?"

"To read about the family background" I said nervously.

"Oh, I'll get it back if you want" he said kneeling to me. I noded.


It's been about three weeks and a lot has happened, Well we found the journal and then Damon took his plan into action to open the tomb. But the worst part was that Katherine wasn't in there. Damon got so mad and upset, Stefan and I felt bad but Emily was keeping him company by that happy. Emily on the other hand hasn't found out about the vampire thing. But she is still curious and hasn't said a thing about the headache or that's what she calls it.

I was sitting on my window seat writing all this down in my diary. Suddenly my door bursts open and it was Faith, Kya and Emily.

"Guy's what's wrong?" I asked.

"It's all Faith's idea!" Emily said looking annoyed, she has been feeling down since the moment her head hurt.

"Well all the gangs idea" Kya explains and they all walk over to me.

"Well what is it?" I ask again.

"Well there is a party in the woods and we are all invited" Faith explains in a cheerful voice.

"Everyone is coming Kayleigh, me, Faith, Tyler, Matt, Jeremy, Stefan, Emily and even Damon" Kya says. I looked at her and saw her nudging Emily.

"Why do you keep nudging me when you say Damon, we are only friends" Emily says getting annoyed.

"We'll that's how it all starts" I reply and put down my dairy and Emily leaves the room.

Emily's POV

It was time for the party in the woods. I'm guessing its just a sneaky high school party. I was looking at myself in the mirror, I felt down, I felt like I wasn't being told the truth but Damon was there to keep me smiling. We are friends and nothing more, we just understand each other.

I was walking to see the girls Kayleigh, Faith and Kya. I was wearing a lace dress with the bottom of it grey along with a black hat. We walked out the door and left.

We arrived to the woods and I could see lights and I could hear music coming from the party. The 4 girls we were, walking in the party acting like cool but not showy. We turned our heads and looked for the boys. We all smiled and all walked over to them Tyler, Matt, Jeremy, Stefan and Damon.

"Hey boys" I said smirking at them once we arrived. Stefan and Kayleigh kissed as a couple does, I was happy for them but I never had a good relationship.

"You look nice" I turn to the voice who said it Damon's.

"Thanks Damon, not bad yourself" I replied. I then felt a nudge and it was Kya. She gave me a smile but I returned a glare.

"Matt come with to get drinks" Jeremy said as he pulled him away. I watched them leave and it made me think how everyone talks and I have to make my way in the conversation.

"Shall we dance Kya?" Tyler asked Kya about to take her hand.

"Yes Tyler" she grabbed his hand and made their way to the dance floor. By dance floor, a wooden floor where everyone danced.

"Shall we Emily" Damon said smirking.

"Not in your life time" I replied smiling back. "I'm going to find Matt and Jeremy."


It was now an hour left and we were still partying. We all met up again and everyone looked a bit drunk but enough to stay up. The dance floor was quieting down as some people started to leave. It was still early by early I mean 10.

We all began to talk round a fire. We sat on logs, it went Tyler, Kya, Matt, Faith, Kayleigh, Stefan, me and then Damon. We were about to play a game but I heard a good song. The song was 'Paradise' by Coldplay but it was Tiesto Remix version. I stood up and they all looked at me.

"A good song started playing, anyone want to dance" I asked them and no one answered.

"Damon please you wanted to dance" I asked pleading.

"Well I do like this remix" he smiled and stood up. We both started waking over until Kayleigh shouted something.

"What?" I shouted back.

"Well that's how it starts" she shouted back. I glared and all the girls laughed. I could sense them about to tell the boys. I just pulled Damon.

We arrived and started dancing at first just doing little jumps. It felt like we were the only one dancing however we sort of were. As it got into the upper best part I started putting my hands round his neck, both smiling and then he lifted me up and spun me. By this point more people started joining in. I smiled at home.
"I'm glad I danced with you!" I said to him.

Damon's POV

I couldn't believe she said that, it made me feel warm. It felt right, her arms round me pulling our body's closer together.
"I couldn't agree more" I replied.

I then noticed her head look at the others, I could hear what they were saying because of my vampire hearing. They were talking about us.
"You ok Emily?" I asked.

She turned to face me. "Yeah I'm fine I just need some fresh air sure besides the song is finishing" she said, she was hurt. She knew the others were talking about us and she was alright. She walked away.

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