CH43: Wedding Night

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Emily's POV

"So please raise you glasses for my dearest Faith who is a good friend and will make an excellent wife" Kol finishes his speech.

Everyone in the room raises their glass of champagne and cheers to the happy couple. On my table is me, Tyler, Kayleigh, Stefan, Jeremy, Kya, Matt and Damon next to me. Not complaining.

We have just finished our meals and then the speeches. I look at the head table where Faith and Kol are joined by Faith's parents and Kol's siblings. I notice Klaus smiling at me and I return the smile. As people carry on chatting on my table I see Klaus wanting to talk outside.

He stands up as I do and we both make our way outside. I ignore the confused expression from Faith. Klaus and I walk through the middle of the barn as tables are set round the dance floor in the centre. We reach out side and see the sun slowly setting now.

"What's up?" I ask Klaus as he turns and smiles to me.

"Nothing, how are you holding up?" He says tilting his head to the side.

"I'm fine but there is something up as you brought me outside" I question looking at him confused.

"Why can't I catch up now" Klaus smirks.

I open my mouth to reply but Klaus and I turn our heads back to the barn to hear music starting.

"I'll meet you inside as the first dance is taking place" Klaus says before walking back inside.

I take a big breath and release. I see my breath in the cold air. I look down to see snow under me and then look at the sky to see the stars shining through. I take my hand and look at my daylight ring and taking in the glow of it.

After some time I walk back inside and see Faith and Kol finishing off their beautiful first dance. As they finish I start to clap and sit back in my seat. The room lights fade, disco lights start to appear and music blast round the room.

"Why not have a dance?" I hear Kya shout to me and suddenly pulling me to the dance floor.

I laugh at her and Kayleigh and Faith join us. We start to dance with our hips swaying and arms in the air, jumping sometimes with our heads held high with laughter. Then Faith disappears and reappears with some glasses of champagne.

"Cheers!" We all shout over the music and take a sip before Faith going back to Kol. While Kya, Kayleigh and I find the boys.


Hours of dancing, drinking a few glasses of alcohol and I'm not drunk. Fun! I've had conversations with everyone well apart from Damon since earlier.

"Now everyone this will be our last slow dance so please grab someone and join us on the dance floor" I hear the DJ say through the microphone.

A slow song starts to play. I look round and see Faith and Kol waking over to the floor along with other couples. Kayleigh and Stefan, Kya and Matt, Tyler and Jeremy with some girls there found. While I'm alone on the table until I feel a tap on my shoulder.

I turn my head up to see Damon smiling at me. His black suit and white shirt makes him look that much sexy. But his eyes are his main feature I love.

"Would you like to dance?" Damon smiles at me and pulls out his hand.

"I would love too" I rely taking his hand in mine.

Still fits perfectly. Emily stop!

Damon leads me to the dance floor and he puts his hands on my waist as I wrap my arms round his neck. We look at each other smiling in a nice way. Nothing being said just the music and people around us making the noise. We start slightly swaying. After minutes of silence Damon speaks.

"I've missed this" he smiles at me.

"Yeah" I reply hiding my small frown wishing it could be like this again.

"We could still make it work" Damon says to me, now looking dead at me.

"Damon" I whisper.

"We could Emily but take it slow" he whispers to me and I could her he music stopping.

"I need some air" I say breaking apart the contact we had and leaving him standing there.

I walk outside and begin to see snow falling. But I need to think, how could he say that? He wants me still after all this? I decide to start walking round the large gardens which belong to the large house.

Faith's POV

As me and Kol finish the slow dance I notice Emily walking out in a hurry leaving Damon with a speechless face. The song stops and I tell Kol I'm going to speak with Damon. I kiss Kol before leaving to go and talk to Damon.

I see Damon standing at the bar with Stefan getting some drinks. I walk over to them and both brothers notice my presence.

"Damon what happened with you and Emily?" I ask as he looks straight at the bar looking for something to drink.

"Damon, you and Emily were dancing and your finally getting her back" Stefan tells his brother as I nod my head.

"I'm not getting her back besides we are at a wedding" Damon replies to both of us.

"Damon you need her!" I state the truth as he says silence.

"Just what did you do?" Stefan asks.

"I told her we could go slow" Damon states before walking off.

Stefan and I look at each other and small smile.

"Plan isn't working is it?" I say out loud.

"It will just give it time" Stefan reassures me before I get back to my wedding.

I look at my dress and smile to myself thinking how lucky I am. I've got my friends back and I can start a family. With a man I love.

Faith Mikaelson.

Sounds good!

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