CH38: Truths & Lies

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Emily's POV

"So now you get the pain" Kya smirks at me.

Why is she smirking I could kill her, the attitudes of these people have gone up.

"Excuse me" I state annoyed and lift my head up with her. My fangs urging to come out.

"What?" Kya says looking at me with such innocent eyes, poor her.

"You heard me, when did your attitude go up, huh?!" I question now with veins appearing.

"Since your humanity turned off" Faith snapped.

"No as soon as I came back here" I snapped back trying to break out.

"Oi we ask the questions" Stefan says cutting us both off.

"Witch Bitch" I mutter to Kya but I think I said it a bit to loud.

I suddenly felt a pain in my head, I squint my eyes shut. I try to move but no use, I point my head up and see Kya looking at me with her hands held in front of me.

"You want to die and be in pain for the humanity to come on?!" Kya snaps.

"Go on! Kill me Kya!" I scream at her and the pain goes, she stops.

"I won't because we want answers" she says and then smiles which I roll my eyes to.

"Well question away" I smirked and felt another pain from the sun.

"Oops sorry" Damon smirks at me closing the curtain again.

"You little-" I begin saying until I was cut off.

"Who turned you?!" Kayleigh demanded looking straight at me.

"You wouldn't want to know" I smirk and keep no contacting especially with Kol.

"Tell us!" Damon demands and grabs my chin with his hand and makes me look at him.

"Katherine gave me blood" I say emotionless when Damon let's me go. "But I can't say who snapped my neck" I smirk looking at Kol.

Kol goes silence and looks away. I think everyone noticed something.

"Kol?" Faith asks quietly.

"Yeah Kol, tell us please" I smirk which makes him angry.

"Your the one who wanted to change!" He snaps at me.

"But your the one who was disagreeing with me and you did it anyway" I smirk even more.

"Kol you knew she was alive!?" Damon asked looking angry.

"You turned my best friend!" Faith shouts at him.

"She was begging and didn't want me to tell you Faith" he pleads.

"No Kol, you knew we were in pain" Faith says with tears forming.

"Faith it wasn't my call to say" Kol says looking down.

"What happened to no secrets with each other?" Faith asks with a tear flowing down.

"Faith? Please" Kol whispers looking at her.

"Just go Kol" Faith whispers. "Go! Don't talk to me only if it's truthful!" She shouts and with that he does his vampire speed away.


Not even a insect making a sound.

"Well that wasn't the worst break up I faced" I smirk at Damon. "But then I just caused this one!" I smile to myself.

"We are done for today" Stefan says awkwardly.

"No please more, this is much to intense" I smile at the enjoyment of this situation.

But it all happens to soon right side of my body which faces the window burns. I scream in pain and in anger. My hands tired down still but as in pain my eyes notice my daylight ring. I try breaking out and after seconds of pain I'm free.

"Kya spell!" Stefan shouts as I grab my ring and slice it on my finger.

My skins begins to heal but then I face darkness... again. In my mind I was shouting Kya!

Faith's POV

Emily was there laying on the floor and everyone was silent. What happened to me and Kol? Did I just end it? Why am I so stupid but then he turned Emily and she wanted it?! Maybe he just wanted to help her? I'm stupid.

Stefan and Damon quickly take Emily back in the cells and the girls and I sit down. The girls are talking but I sit there in deep thought.

"Hey Faith" I hear Kayleigh say.

I look at Kayleigh and Kya with tears building up.

"Yes?" I choke out looking back down on my lap.

"Are you ok?" I hear them both say.

"I don't know? I think I juts need it with Kol" I choke out again and hearing his name breaks my heart.

"Go and get him back" Kya smiles at me and I shake my head.

"He's not that type of person, I ended it and probably hates me" I say and stop myself from crying.

"He'll understand, he loves you Faith" Kayleigh smiles and I nod my head.

Suddenly we al hear a buzz and I notice it's my phone. I walk to it and open the message that appeared on the screen. I opened it and froze and the girls noticed.

"Faith?" They both asked.

Kol- Hey Faith, listen I know you hate me now but know I still love you. You want your space, I get that so I'm heading to New Orleans again. So see ya I guess

"It's Kol, I'm to late!" I cry out and then I notice the sudden tears falling down my face.

"What do you mean?" Kayleigh asks as the two get up and give me a hug.

"Do you think I should reply?" I cry out and they release from the hug.

"Give It a day and ask to meet up and sort it out" Kya smiles at me and I nod my head in agreement.

I have to get Kol back as well as Emily.

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