CH20: Party Together

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Emily's POV

Jeremy and I get in the car and drive towards the woods. We are both wearing casual smart cloths such as he is wearing a white top and jeans however I'm wearing denim shorts and a white best top.

"Damon's going to be there" I burst out while focusing on the road.

"My sister being nervous, I'm sure he loves you, if he hurts you I'll kill him" he states as we both giggle.

We finally arrive and both walk into the woods. I see my beloved sister, my witchy cousin Kya, my vampire friend Faith and the two best mates Matt and Tyler. But no Salvatore's. We all greet each other and as their is no alcohol we just drink fizzy drinks. So I grab a coke can and put music on.

"Who wants to dance?" I ask.

"Sure why not" Tyler says and I lend a hand as he grabs it.

We walk to this open area where the music is blasting out, it's a mixture of songs some. The song turns to 'Feeling Good' by Nina Simone.

"A 1965 song" I smile to Tyler.

"Yes and I like the bit when the trumpets and that start" he says. I smile back.

We start doing calm dancing like waving our hands in the air.

"I wish we had alcohol!" I state smirking.

"Yeah but Jeremy is here and you don't want to get Jeremy drunk as he is underage?" He says and I nod my head. "Why anyway?"

"Well from all this love drama I want to wash it away" I say carry on dancing.

"Well in going to sit with the others" he says and I stop dancing.

"But the trumpet bit hasn't started!" I demand and he just shrugs. "This is why I need alcohol!" I smirk.

"Emily no alcohol!" I hear Kya shout and I just smile. Then I hear the trumpets start and I carry on dancing.

Damon's POV

Stefan and I arrive in the woods and I hear music. So I nudge Stefan.

"Stefan look some 1965 music is on" I smirk.

"Haven't heard this song in ages!" He smiles as we walk to the others.

"Stefan?" I say and he stops and looks at me. "Emily is going to be there, she hates me and I'm not sure what to do?" I say keeping a serious sad face.

"Damon it's Emily, if she loves you she'll talk but if she hasn't broken up yet" he says in a positive mood. "Don't worry!"

We carry on walking and see the others sitting round a fire. I could hear the music with trumpets firing away. They look up and all smile, Stefan immediately goes to Kayleigh. We both sit on the logs round them.

"Love the music" I smile.

"Yeah and found out Emily likes this song" Faith says. I lift my head up and turn my head round to see Emily dancing with her eyes closed.

"Talk to her" I hear Jeremy say. I turn to face them all.

"Shut up" I say in disgust. Kayleigh just gives me a pleading look. "Fine but later."

Emily's POV

I see Damon and Stefan sit down and talk to the others. I want to talk to him, hug him and just kiss him to show how much I miss him.

It's been two hours and Damon went to go somewhere. I told the others I need to go on a walk so I get up and start to walk through the woods. The trees being lit up in the moonlight and as I walk I think about stuff. I'm in my own world until I turn round a corner and see Damon drinking from a girl.

"Damon?!" I say. "Damon stop!" I say louder and it scares me to him like this. His fangs out with blood dripping round his mouth and his eyes dark with veins bellow.

He suddenly snaps out of it and looks at me upset. He drops the girl and heals her then compels her to forget and leave.

"What was that Damon?! Drinking so close to us!" I snap. He puts his fangs away and the veins go.

"Emily I need to drink blood or I die!" He snaps back.

"I wanted to talk to you today but not like this!" I say angry.

"What like me being like this, news flash Emily but last time I checked I'm a vampire!" He states annoyed with anger.

"It didn't mean it to come out like that" I mutter quietly but he probably heard that.

"Emily I'm sorry" he whispers loud another for me to hear.

"It's ok" I say and suddenly I feel a warm pair of arms round me. Damon's arms. I hug back and we stand there not saying anything. "It just seems like we are drifting away and we are becoming awkward Damon."

We release each other and I look at his blue piecing eyes. He leans forward and kisses me soft on my lips, I kiss back soft as well. We lean back and stand there.

"I just miss us Damon" I say with tears in my eyes.

"I miss us too" he says looking hurt. "I wish we can go back to the way we where."

"So why can't it?" I say stopping my tears. Damon grabs my hand and holds it gently.

"It just can't, not now Emily. I'm doing this for you! So don't force me or make me feel bad about my choices!" he says looking hurt in those blue eyes.

"Your choices?" I say annoyed staring right at him.

"Yes my choices!" He states with his eyes burning into mine.

"So where do we stand?" I ask in a scared voice. He looks at me with a face saying 'why would you say that' but he just walks away.

With him walking away I breakdown into tears.

The attitude is back, the non falling in love rule is back...

The old Damon Salvatore is back!

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