CH15: Love Is Blooming

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(Warning some of this chapter may be dirty, You have been warned :).)

Emily's POV

The next morning I woke up to a sleeping Damon. He looked so cute. What no... I don't know? I was laying in Damon's bed and I remembered about last night, I was laying naked in Damon's bed! I slowly got up and had a quick shower in Damon's bathroom. By the time I had my clothes on which was a summer white dress and had my hair done I came out to find a cheeky Damon sitting up in bed looking at me.
"Good morning" I say unsure what to say.

"Good morning beautiful" he said, my heart skipped a bit.

"Damon we need to talk about this" I said sort of ruining the moment. "I'm not ready for this."

"It's fine, I'll be waiting" he smirked. He had feelings for me, I was over the moon.

"Now get dressed because I'm taking you somewhere" I said teasing a bit. He looked at me with a gentle smile.

Stefan's POV

Kayleigh and I were both dressed and I had a surprise for her. It was midday now and Kayleigh was getting annoyed because I didn't tell her the surprise.

"Where are we going?" She asked. I was holding her hand, dragging her through the woods near the cabin.

"You'll see" I say with a smirk.

"You smirk just like Damon, hey I wonder if Emily and Damon are fine now?" Kayleigh said looking at me.

"I'm sure their fine anyway ta da!" I said to her. She looked confused at this field. The field had one tree on a hill and I dragged her up to it.

"You like it! It's your surprise, our own picnic!" I said with my hands spreading out. She had a massive smile on her face.

"Oh My God!!! Stefan I love you!" She said running up to me and putting her warm lips on mine. Sparks flew, I loved her more and more. Kayleigh is the one for me, the girl for me!

I released her and ran over to the tree. "So you like it? The lights on the tress, the picnic, the view?!" I begin to say and released something.

"What's wrong Stef?" Kayleigh asks in concern.

"I'm a lot more excited then I should be" I say looking embarrassed.

"It's ok, I love it!" She says with a giggle. I then feel all calm again.

Damon's POV

It's near the end of the day and Emily has just taken me to this amazing place. It was a beautiful lake and she told me this story about her childhood. She use to go to that lake when she was feeling upset and depressed over the death of her parents.

"It has been an amazing day" I say to Emily. We arrived at the boarding house.

"Your welcome Damon and I'm sorry for letting you down this morning" Emily's says looking guilty.

"Emily it's fine, I'll be waiting for you and only you" I say kissing the top of her forehead.

"I believe you" she says with a cheeky smile.

Stefan's POV

Kayleigh and I arrived back at the cabin. We both walked in and we looked at the clock to see it was 8, and then both looked at each other and gave a sneaky smirk.

Suddenly we were both kissing non stop and made our way up to the bedroom. It was amazing, she was perfect.

I kissed every inch of her body as I was on top. The movement in sync, our passion mixing into each other's. I looked at her and gave her a smile and she replied with a cheeky smile before finishing the love we have.

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