CH32: New Vampires

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A month later from the Lake house.

Damon's POV

A month has been, no sign of Emily but we have been planing on killing Elena. In that time, of the recent week a lot has happened. First Kayleigh and Matt were in a car and someone stood in front of the car to cause the car going into the lake. With Stefan rescuing Matt first Kayleigh slowly drowns and becomes a vampire by Stefan's blood in the hospital. Secondly we have a new vampire (Kayleigh) who we have to teach but Kayleigh is getting the hang of it.

"I think I'm getting the hang of this vampire blood addictive" Kayleigh says walking in.

"I think so too" Stefan says giving Kayleigh a peck on the lips.

"So this Elena killing thing, when is this happening?" Faith asks walking in.

"In three days tops" I say with a smirk going to my bourbon.

"Great, looking forward to kill that girl!" Kayleigh says cheerfully.

Also the girls did go to College but sort of left from all the supernatural stuff happening. Tyler went off somewhere but he's fine while Jeremy is still at school and Matt is on and off. I'm not sure what Matt is doing but yeah.

Klaus POV

New Orleans, new start and back in my town where my family belongs and reunited with Marcel. Right now Elijah and I are sitting in a bar at a table near the back. We were discussing about the other vampires that live in New Orleans until someone sits at out table taking a seat next to Elijah.

Elijah and I turn our heads and astonished to see the person before us. We smiled and Elijah gave a quick kiss on the cheek to the women. Long wavy brown hair, known her a long time. Don't ask me how the two are in love but yeah, don't ask.

"Katerina" Elijah says, he's always called her that no to be surprised.

"Katherine, what pleasure do we owe you in my town" I say to her.

"Oh Klaus, I'm not the one to see you" she smirks. Elijah and I both look confused. "You've meet my daughter?"

"Yes that's Emily" Elijah says confusingly to Katherine. "But isn't she dead or gone?"

"Well gone but not dead, well not fully dead" she smirks which makes my head think.

"Anyway you were saying?" I ask putting my hands on the table.

"She was saying Emily needs to talk to you and ask a favour!" A woman's voice says taking a seat next to me.

"Emily!?" Elijah and I say at the same time.

"Hello boys, like the new vampire!" She smirks.

"Emily great to see you" I say and punch her in the arm. "Thought you were dead."

"Well I was but here I am and I need your help but first tell me about Kayleigh, she's a vampire yes?" She smirks at me and Elijah.

Kayleigh's POV

"Race you Stefan" I laugh and drags Stefan to a clear spot.

"But I'm an older Vampire so I'm strong which means I'm faster" he smirks.

"Please leave the smirking to Damon" I laugh as he laughs at me.

"Hey hey hey" Stefan says putting his hands up in defence. "Ok race you!"

"3...2...321!!" I shout before vampire speeding off.

I love doing this vampire run and vampire things, it feels free. Only if I could show Emily but I hate the blood thing. I drink from blood bags of course, not a human.

I turn my head and see Stefan catching up easily. Stupid elder vampires I laugh in my head. Suddenly I feel a pair of arms round me and lifts me up. I look up to see Stefan holding me and with a smirk. Then he slows down and puts me down.

"Damon can't do that to you" he smirks tilts his head side ways.

"Well look at my man" I giggle. "Don't compare yourself to your brother, trust me!" I say and Stefan kisses me.

We leave the kiss breathless from each other, our pants filling the woods.

"We better get back you know" Stefan says smiling at me.

"Race you back?" I ask and he just points to his back.

I hop on his back and he carries me all the way home and I just wave my hands in the air. Stefan and I always having the best of times.

"I love you" I whisper in his ear and I could sense him smiling.

"I love you too" he says turning his head for me to peck his lips.

Life is great! Everything is great, got my friends by my side, my boyfriend always there, my brother to keep me together but my heart is missing something. That something is Emily.

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