CH8: Stefan & Kayleigh, Damon & Emily

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Emily's POV

We finally arrived, it was an old house. I took a look at Damon who looked hurt looking at this place.
"So where are we" I asked touching his shoulder.

"Still in Mystic Fall but this house was my old family's house" he replied turning his head towards me.

"Can we take a look?" I asked.

"Follow me" Damon then said grabbing my hand and pulling him in the house. We arrived at the porch of the house and read a sigh saying 'Salvatore House'.

"Wow! We're your family a founders family?" I said with a smile.

"Yeah, one point my da.. I mean an old family member used to be the mayor" he said to me looking nervous.

"No need to be nervous, you can tell me anything because we are friends" I said with a gentle smile. We then enter the house but then I get pulled back.

"Emily wait, what was the whole thing yesterday? Are you ok?" Damon asked just to make sure.

"I'm fine, just a headache" I reassured him pulling him in the house.

Kayleigh's POV

We have finally finished the whole story telling thing and I feel bad not telling her about it. But its for tue best I'm a doubleganger and she doesn't need to get brought into this mess.

"You ok Kayleigh?" Stefan asks.

"Yeah, I'm just thinking. Has everyone left?" I asked him once he sat next to me.

"Yep it's just us two" he said with a smirk.

"Stefan I will always love you" I said and I suddenly felt warm lips touching mine. I opened my eyes to see Stefan. We parted.

"I love you too and I wont let anything happen to you, I promise" he said with a gentle smile.

"I know you will" I said quickly because I leaped onto him so I was sitting on him. Our lips made contact and it felt great, tongues fighting for dominance. He won and it made us both light up and warm.

He picked me up as I wrapped my legs round his waist. He walked up the stairs to his bedroom then laid me down on his bed. We were still making contact with our mouths, we both couldn't help our self's. The next thing I knew was that we started lifting each others tops off.


The next morning I woke up in warm covers next to Stefan. I kissed him and whispered "good morning."

"I could get use to this" he whispered back and kissed me on my lips. It was soft and warm.

Until someone said "rise and shine sleepy heads!" I turned to see and it was Damon. Sitting on the end of the bed.

"Damon!" I said in a shocked, annoyed voice.

"What are you doing?!" Stefan then said in a shocked voice.

"Oh stop being smutty" Damon replied.

"Seriously get out of here!" Stefan said getting annoyed. We both looked at Damon.

"If I haven't seen anything before I'll frow a dollar at it" he replied being cocky. "Now listen we have some very important business that we need to discuss."

"And it has to be right now?!" I said glaring at him. Me and stefan just roll our eyes at Damon.

"Right In order to open the tomb we need a journal to get the grim wore to do the spell" he began saying. He then got his hands together and said "And since your Kayleigh Gilbert your on journal duty."

"Since when am I helping you get your old lover out?!" I said to him getting annoyed.

"Since Stefan is helping your helping" he replied.

"You don't have to do anything you don't want to" Stefan said to me concerned.

I just gave out a sigh and replied "I'll look for it later."

"Good" Damon replied.

"How do we know that the journal will even hold a grim wore?" Stefan asked Damon as he sat up. "Are we really going to take this vampires word?!"

"Well we don't have any other options" Damon said getting a bit annoyed.

"What exactly is a grim wore anyway?" I asked sitting up.

"Its a witch's cook book" Damon said with a smug.

"Every spell a witch casts it uniques to itself, a witch documents their work" Stefan said explaining.

"Yeah a cook book, now get to work" Damon said while walking out the room.

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