CH13: Emily Finds Her Dark Past

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Emily's POV

It's been a day since Damon locked Katherine up in the tomb. I was still thinking about what Katherine said that I'm in danger as well. So to make me feel better I've texted Faith so she can move to stone for me. She's keeping her word that she won't tell anyone.

Kayleigh's going to a cabin in the woods with Stefan and I'm with Damon. Yep that's me the sister staying with Damon Salvatore. So I told Faith the plan and she didn't like it but i begged until she said yes.

"You promise not tell anyone especially Damon that I'm seeing Katherine!" I stated.

"I promise!" She smiled back. She moved the rock guarding the tomb and I sat waiting for Katherine. "See you later" Faith said.

"Thanks" I said smiling. I was nervous seeing Katherine. She couldn't hurt me, Kya put a spell in the tomb so no vampires could escape. I suddenly heard someone coming towards me. Katherine.

"You came" she said crawling towards the entrance and the leaning against the side. She looked bad.

"Here" I said throwing her a blood bag and she quickly drinks it. "Now please tell me about my life, you said it was in danger?"

Kayleigh's POV

Stefan and I have just arrived at the cabin. We got out the car and I let out a sigh in relief. I looked over Stefan who was walking round the car to me. We both smiled at each other.

"I love you" he said wrapping his arms round me. Leading me into a kiss, it was passionate.

"I love you too" I replied pecking his lips one more time. Then he unwrapped his arms from me and we walked into the cabin.

Emily's POV

Its been hours here and I decided to call it a night. "We will talk tomorrow Katherine, this time tell me why I'm in danger" I stated.

"Will do but you get me blood bags" she stated with a smirk.

"Maybe, every time you answer me a blood bag comes your way" I replied smirking.

"Playing back at me by my own game" she said. "Must be in the blood."

"What?" I asked. What did she mean?

"Talk tomorrow" she said walking back further into the tomb.

The next morning I got straight up and went over to the boarding house. I was wearing black skinny jeans with a grey strap top. I walked in and call "hello?!"

No answer. Damon must be out. I walked to the cellar and grabbed four blood badges, please don't kill me Damon!

Damon's POV

I went to see Stefan and Kayleigh. I need to talk to them and they know I'm coming round. It was about 8 and I tried getting into the cabin but couldn't. Curse this vampire not being aloud in without permission!

"Guys!!" I shouted.

"Oh hey Damon what's up?" Stefan said walking out to me with a smirk.

"Stefan shut up!!" I stated looking annoyed. "Where is Kayleigh!?"

"Just having a nice shower, it won't take long" Stefan says gleaming with happiness. I glare at him.

Finally she's done, 10 minutes I've waited, 10!! "Can I come in?" I asked nicely.

"Well of course Damon" Kayleigh said. I smirked.

"So what brings you here?" Stefan asks me "because I was enjoying myself!"

"Oh please" I said. Kayleigh just giggling at Stefan's comment. "You two!"

"So??" Kayleigh said. "Anything about Klaus?"

Yes we have heard about this bad hybrid original. As Rose, a girl I use to know came and told us three and Emily about Klaus. She told us about him and then got bitten by a werewolf which led her to death. It was a sad moment. She told us Kayleigh was in danger and said Emily was something special.

"Well it's true he's coming to Mystic Falls but I don't know when" I said seeing their faces turn into terror.

"Well we can't spend our time panicking" Kayleigh said standing up.

"Yes, let's enjoy ourselves until Klaus makes his moves" Stefan replied grabbing Kayleigh's hand. They smile at each other, I miss the feeling of what they have. What am I talking about.

"Why don't you invite Emily over later and we can have the two sisters and the two brothers" Kayleigh says. Stefan and I just nod with a smile.

Emily's POV

I arrive at the Tomb to see Katherine waiting for me. I pass the first blood bag to her. She drinks it down in one go. She must be hungry. Yesterday Katherine just told me about her human life and how she met the Salvatore's. I couldn't feel bad for Katherine slightly.

"So begin" I said in a confident voice.

"Fine but you promise me to give me a blood bag" she hissed. I nodded my head.

"The year Kayleigh was born I was in love with a human. Sounds wired I know" she started and I couldn't help giggle. "Anyway I asked a witch to turn me human and the witch did and then I spent the whole day with him."

"Why are you telling me this?" I asked confused. She sighed for once.

"Well listen. The day after spell went he left me and then I found out I was pregnant" she said looking at me.

"What happened?" I asked giving her another blood bag "why does this have to do with me?"

She finished her blood bag. "Well I gave birth to a girl the next year, on the 12th January" she said. I was shocked that's my birthday!

"That's my birthday" I stated. She looked at me.

"Emily the truth is that you have the same sort of look as me, the same personality, same smile and same power. When I was human I could see visions" Katherine said.

"What are you saying Katherine" I asked getting nervous.

"Your name is Emily Nadia Petrova" she stated. I shook my head.

"Does that mean your my mum!?" I asked getting up.

I suddenly heard my phone bleep. It was Damon calling and I just ignored it.

"Emily I know but I left you because you were in danger, your a descendant of me so your blood is unique" she said.

"I came closer, why is it unique?" I asked.

"Vampire's would have the blood so they can become powerful, you need to stay safe!" Katherine said. "I'm sorry for being a bad mother!"

"Woah this isn't Katherine Pierce, this isn't Katherine Petrova! This isn't my mum! She has the attitude of a loin!" Katherine looks at me and smirks. "I forgive you!"

"You better go... Damon!!!!" She said. I turn and see an angry face, Damon. I'm dead!

"Emily! What is happening!?" He stated.

"Damon... Lets just go, bye Katherine" I say and leave. But quickly throws a blood bag to Katherine. That made Damon more angry. I leave and Damon follows after glaring at Katherine.

Authors Note: Who saw that coming!! :).

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