CH29: Emily Meets Reality P1

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Emily's POV

2 days have past and a start of a new week which means 2 weeks left till College. Summer is going to be a one time to remember. Right now I'm having a nice time out with Jeremy because yesterday was a girls day out and then the day before that was a Sister and boyfriend day out. Which means Damon and I along with Stefan and Kayleigh. Those days were fun.

But today as I was saying I'm with Jeremy, I'm wearing a white warm top with some denim shorts and my hair is curled up and put on my left shoulder along with a necklace to protect me from vampires. By that I mean vervain. The sun is slowly dying and I want to see Damon.

I pull outside the Salvatore's house and tell Jeremy to stay in the car. I pull myself out of my car and look at the sky. The Stars entering my sight and the darkness coming over. I walk in the house quietly wanting to surprise Damon. I walk in and leave the door open and creep through the house as silent as I can be.

As I walk through closer to the lounge I see two figures in the floor, having it. My hands come up to my mouth, my heart sinks and eyes water up. I want to move but I can't because I'm shocked. How could Damon do this?! My eyes land on Damon and the girl but I then realise the girl is Elena.

I saw me with a lot of tears, then Damon and Elena...kissing.

My vision it's becoming true and I know they are meant to but please not this! Im scared for what's next, what's with Elena? I finally get the urge to sneakily run out the house. I notice Jeremy getting out the car and running up to me. But I run past and run into the woods.

Kayleigh's POV

"Well I think we should head back" Kya cheerfully says.

"My place?" Stefan says linking his hand with mine.

"Definitely!" Faith says smirking at me.

We begin to walk from town centre to the Salvatore's house. Today Stefan had taken me to a lovely, romantic meal and we walked out and came across Kya and Faith. We had some drinks with them and decided to head home. We begin walking and I'm in thought. I'm thinking about Elena, what are we going to do? I was thinking about life, future, what's going to happen? Suddenly I came out of thought by a vibration.

I took out my phone and saw it lit up saying Jeremy was calling me. Strange because he never normally calls me. I pick up and I freeze, the other three notice and look at me worried.

"Jeremy slow down... What?!... Just calm her down and we will be there straight away... Jeremy?... What's going on?" My sudden reply to him but he doesn't know why.

"It's Emily, she's freaking out over something" I begin.

"Yeah it sounded awful on the phone" Faith said in a concerning voice.

"Let's stop at my house and get Damon" Stefan says. "He'll help us sort Emily" he says again as us three girls nod.

We quickly rush off to the Salvatore's house. When we arrived we saw Elena walk out with a smirk towards us. But we soon opened the door and saw Damon drinking his bourbon. He looked at us guilty.

"I'm not going to ask what Elena wanted but we need your help" I state walking over. He looks at me.

"What is it?" He says sounding concerned.

"It's Emily Damon. Jeremy says she's going mad!" Kya states.

"Where is she?" Damon asks getting up.

"By the cliff surface near the lake" I said and we shot out the door.

Emily's POV

"Emily calm down and tell me what's wrong?" Jeremy asks again.

"Calm down!?" I shout. My boyfriend just slept with Elena! "How can I calm down!?"

"The others will be here soon so explain to us then" he says calmly.

"I don't want the others! I don't want to explain! I'm crying for God sake and all you care about is what's happening!" I shout turning to the cliff and walking forward. "I don't want anyone, I just want to forget and go!"

"Emily you need to get away from the cliff surface" Jeremy says again.

It's not even high, you can't die from it and it's just a lake. I look at him, my vision blurry and my lips trembling. I turn my focus back to the lake.

"Take me now!" I shout. "Visions come and show me what's next, huh?!" I shout, I'm feeling angry, upset and abandoned.

Was this the secret? But how does everyone know the secret apart from me? Do they not trust me?

Seconds later I put my hands on my head trying to calm the pain in my heart. I walk back and fourth to the cliff and to Jeremy but not to close to both. My eyes flowing free tears, to many to count. I started to feel drops of rain hitting my head but I didn't care.

I heard a sound coming towards me which made my eyes open with hurt. The surroundings coming into my vision I saw Jeremy, Kayleigh, Stefan, Kya, Faith and Damon. Why is he here?! All of them soaked by the rain pouring. They all noticed my gaze and looked worried but I shock my head and looked at the lake again, seeing the water pick up.

"Emily?" I heard a voice, I turned round and saw Damon walking slowly to me. "Emily what's wrong?"

Is he stupid!? As he took a step forward I took a step back.

"Don't act dumb Damon!" I said as he stood shocked.

"What?" Kayleigh asks as the others stepping forward. All of them were at least a car distance away.

"When were you going to tell me about Elena?!" I snapped.

I looked at them all and their heads clicked. Each persons face flushed with guilt and hurt. I noticed Jeremy in the same state, did he know?

"Jeremy you knew?" I asked. Silence. "You all knew?!" I asked again and still nothing. "You all knew my boyfriend was sleeping with another girl!!! You guys knew his ex was back!!!" I shouted.

Each of them gasped at my surprised outburst. Damon took a step closer and I couldn't be bothered to step back because I was so close to the edge.

"Emily step away from the edge" Damon says calmly.

"You can't tell me what to do!" I snapped.

"Emily do be stupid"

"Me stupid Damon! I caught you having sex with Elena a minute ago so don't you dare call me stupid!"

I heard the others gasp. Stefan stepping forward to his brother and putting a hand on his shoulder.

"How did you work it out in the end" Kya asked curiously.

"My visions the one time I don't want it to show me my boyfriend cheating on me! Wait my ex" I snapped crying and Damon had a tear coming down his face. "My friends not telling the truth to me!"

"Emily please understand" Stefan reassured me taking a step to me put Damon pulled him back.

I took a mini step back closing the space between the edge of the cliff. The girls started to have tears in their face with all worried expressions.

"Tell me and I might understand!?" I asked and Damon sighed before stepping forward.

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