CH30: She Left Us! P2

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Emily's POV

I couldn't believe this, my boyfriend, my sister and brother and my friends.

"Elena is my crazy ex and she returned from God knows what and she thinks we are still to together but we aren't" Damon said coming closer.

"Don't come closer, please Damon" I whispered.

The rain still pouring but quieting down. He froze as I said that but Kayleigh stepped forward.

"Emily we are sorry, we some how got dragged into it and didn't want to tell you" Kayleigh snapped.

"Apology not accepted Kayleigh! You should have told me, I would have understand but you didn't tell me" I stayed with tears in my eyes and seeing her tear up.

"Please let's just talk and forget" Faith said reassuring Kayleigh.

"What?! How can I forget that I saw Damon sleeping with someone else!" I snapped.

"Emily just calm down now! You aren't letting us talk!" Damon snapped.

"You had all the time in the world Damon" I snapped back.


"Let's get out of the rain" Stefan said breaking the silence.

"I'm sorry" I said turning round to the cliff. "I can't do that" I said making sure they hear.

"Emily don't" Jeremy warned.

"Emily step away" Damon said looking guilty.

"I chat forgive you now" I said looking at their faces. "I need to go!"

With that said I lifted my legs and I heard screams behind me. I was in the air falling from the cliff hitting the cold, dirty water. The water pushing me down and pushing me near a river which leads out. My heart pumping and my eyes open looking at the rain pouring on the water. My head lifts out for air and I look round, I see figures running in the distance. I get pushed under again and feel something hit my head. It was hard and then I saw black spots enter my vision. Then darkness arrived.

Kayleigh's POV

"Emily!!!" I shout as the tears flow.

She jumped, she tried to die but hopefully Damon fed her blood.

"Emily!!!" Damon shouts with a croak.

We all start to run down the side to reach the lake. We see nothing, first it's dark, second the rain is making the water high and making waves and finally she's nowhere to be seen.

"Can you see her?" Jeremy asks with a sad tone.

"No.... Wait!" Stefan says watching the lake and I notice Damon still running. So we ran after him.

"Damon the water is pushing her out, she might be gone down river" Faith says running.

"She's not dead! We will find her" Damon states.

As I'm running I notice a head pop up in the distance. It's Emily.

"Guys she's popped up in the distance!" I shout.

"Come on guys hurry!" Kya says wanting Emily back.

But suddenly she goes under the water and I wait and wait but I don't see her again.

"She's gone guys!" I say tears falling, I felt someone wrap their arms round me.

"Let's just head home and tell Matt and Tyler because they need to no" Stefan stays with a hint of sadness to his tone.

"Yeah your right" Jeremy says, I look at him and see a tear on his cheek.

I go over to him and give him a hug and I feel him squeeze me for reassurance. I look at everyone, I see Stefan, Faith and Kya coming over to give us a group hug. But my eyes land on Damon, standing alone, his body tense and his eyes watching the water, his breathing going fast by the sadness his body heats off. I can see he feels guilty so I leave the hug and head over to Damon.

Damon doesn't look at me and stays in the same position. I tap him on the shoulder but no difference. I turn to the others and they look at me with sympathy but hatred towards Damon in a way.

"You guys go ahead, I'll catch up with Damon" I say and they nod their heads and left.

I turned to face Damon and notice him looking at me with tears in his eyes.

"I've messed up Kayleigh! She's gone and might be dead because of me!" He croaks.

"Damon we don't know, she might need time" I say leaning into a hug.

I wrap my arms round his body and notice his body tense up but then relaxes. He then puts his arms round my body.

"Thank you" He whispers. I look at him.

"For what?" I say Leaning out the hug.

"For staying here and making it a bit better" he says.

"You know this is the only time I've seen you cry" I smirk as he glares at me.

"Right we should go inside because you will get a cold" he says smirking.

"Ok! Sorry I get ill like you don't!" I say putting my hands up in surrender.

Damon's POV

Kayleigh and I just arrived back to the house, I open the door to see the others sitting down with Matt and Tyler. As we walk in further I can hear Stefan finishing explaining things. But as I get closer Matt and Tyler along with everyone else looks at me. I move to the tray of bourbon and pour myself a drink.

"What can't let a man drink his misery out?" I ask noticing everyone watching me.

"Well Damon your the one who started this mess" Faith stated, my heart started pumping harder.

I could end everyone here right now because of how strong I am and how angry and upset I am.

"It was not my fault! It was Elena's and god knows what she is doing right now Faith!" I snap and she looks at me with shock. "I could kill you right now because how angry I am!"

"But you won't" Kayleigh says putting her arm on my shoulder.

"So what are we going to do?" Stefan asks standing up and walking to me.

"We kill Elena in one month!" I state before throwing my drink in the fire and walk off.

But while I plan to kill Elena, I will also find Emily.

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