CH44: Romance At Night

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Emily's POV

I walk back into the barn and see it's empty just small lights in a nice fade. I'm guessing everyone is back at the large house at the small bar or going bed as the time is 11:30.

I walk further in and stand in the centre of the room. I sway my dress little and begin humming. Then I get cut out of my thoughts by hearing music at a low volume but enough to hear it. The song I now know is one of my favourite, It's 'I Believe' by Christina Perri. So I started humming to it while smiling.

"Knew you still like this song" I hear a voice, I spin round and see Damon.

"You know me well" I smile back and he starts to walk closer.

"I've always had and always will" he smiles at me now standing directly In front of me. "Care to dance?" He asks as I nod my head in reply.

We begin to move in sync and I lean my head against his chest. I can feel his hot breath on me and smell his rich scent. We do small circles with one of hands touching each other and his other wrapped round my waist, while my other one round his neck. I smile because I can hear his soft heartbeat and I know he is smiling.

"Damon.." I whisper looking down.

"Emily stop" he begins and I look straight in his eyes. "I pushed you back then and I wanted to apologise" he said.

"Damon stop apologising! I should be the one, I'm the one who left you heartbroken in the end" I began pulling away from him.

"Yes you hurt me but I got over it, yes I hurt you and said things I never meant. I never intended to break Kol and Faith up for the shortest time" I Say to him trying to keep calm.

"Emily you never meant to hurt them besides I've done worse" he says taking a step closer to me.

"Damon how could you still want me back?" I do soft laugh.

"Because your the one I love, you changed me into a person I now am. I kept secrets and I feel bad but we always make it through" he does a soft smile at me.

"Damon..." I say before getting cut of by him.

"Emily I would give up anything just to be with you, I'll do what makes you happy because I would love everything about and would be happy being your husband, father of kids" he says to me grabbing my hands.

I look at his hands and then at him and do a soft smile.

"But you can't give it all up for me and besides we can't have kids" I whisper.

"So? When we get fed up of a vampire life we will find a way to have a family" he smiles at me. "Because I will stand by you through bad and good."

I notice the music restarting and the moonlight shining through the door to the barn. With dim lights filling the room.

"And I'll stand by you" I smile at him. "And I believe we can still make it work" I say to him as I smile forms.

"We can always make it work" he smiles at me.

Then we both lean in our lips touch. His softness lips which I missed so much. Both of our lips move in sync and our hands below us still together. It feels like forever we kiss, it just seems like we need this. It's perfect. We both lean out and both of us smile at each other.

"I've missed you Emily Gilbert" Damon smiles at me.

"And I've missed you Damon Salvatore" I return to him, my cheeks going pink now.

Then I see Damon lean in again and kiss me like it's the end of the world. Like nothing is going to break us apart. We fit together perfectly and are just happy to have each other's company. I smile into the kiss and he also smiled feeling that I smiled.

We were in our moment until we heard some clapping. Damon and I break apart instantly and looking at the barn door. My face is probably pink with embarrassment but I don't care. There we Faith and Kol, Kayleigh and Stefan, Kya and Jeremy, Tyler and Matt along with Rebekah, Klaus and Elijah.

I look at Damon and then back to the others. But when I look at Damon he does a reassurance smile. The clapping dies down and see everyone smiling.

"Looks like my plan worked" Faith smiled to the others.


"Faith you did have help from everyone" Kayleigh smiles to Faith.

"Hold on" Damon says stepping closer to me.

"Plan?!" Damon and I say in sync.

"Faith maybe you shouldn't have said it with them" Stefan says to Faith.

"Well they were going to find out" Faith replies.

"Plan?!" Damon and I say in sync slightly raising our voices.

Which gets Faith's attention. She gives a sigh and Kol steps forward.

"All of us thought brining you both to the wedding because we were hoping this would happen" Kol says looking between Damon and I.

"So you just invited us so we can make up?" Damon speaks before I open my mouth.

"No we invited you because your our friends but planned on you two falling in love again" Kol says and I dip my head a little getting lost in thought.

"Why?" I whisper looking up again, tears coming to my ears.

"To see you both happy again" Stefan steps forward.

"He's right Emily" Klaus speaks up. "He's right because since that photo you've been a lot happier" he smiles.

"And now you shared this moment and kissed" Jeremy smiles at me.

"You guys were listening?" Damon says looking at them all as they all nod their head.

I turn my head to Damon and see him looking at me. A tear falling from my left eye and he walks to me wiping it away. I smile at him as he does the same.

"See Brother you got her back" Stefan smiles at his brother.

"And your right saying I need her" Damon smiles back at his brother.

I walk over to the stereo and turn the music off. I can't see everyone looking at me but I feel their gaze. I walk to the lights and fade them off but we can see from the outside lights and moonlight. I turn back to them, seeing not my friends but my family. I grab a drink and walk back over.

"Let's finish this night" I smile at them as they all agree.

I grab Damon's hand with my free hand and lead us out with everyone else following.

Thank you Faiths wedding.

"Also cheers to the happy couple, Faith and Kol!" I shout out in front.

I hear Faith and Kol laugh with everyone else shouting cheers. I take a sip of the drink I have in my hand and lead the way back to the house.

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