CH21: The Girls Are Back

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Emily's POV

The sun hitting on my bed with my pillows wet and my eyes aching from crying. I sit up in bed and open my phone to see the time was 10 and a bunch of texts. I open the group chat which includes me, Kayleigh, Kya and Faith.

Faith- Right everyone wake up!

Kya- This better be good.

Kayleigh- What's up? Emily is still in bed.

Faith- All of us need a girl's night out! Also... I may or not be dating Kol :).

Kayleigh- What when!?! And yes agreed with girls day out!

Kya- Faith tell us when we meet!

I grab my phone closer and smile, Faith is happy, Kayleigh is happy, Kya is happy! But me... Not sure.

Emily- OMG FAITH!!!!!!!

Faith- Look who's awake!

Kya- So Faith when do you want to do this?

Faith- Right I come round to you guys at 12 so we then have lunch, then shop and then Party!!!!

Kayleigh- Sounds good! Emily?

Emily- Yeah sounds good, we better get ready girls! :)

Kya- There's our Emily! :).

With that done I go downstairs to see Kayleigh, Jeremy and Kya (as she is staying with us) in the kitchen eating breakfast. They look up and smile, I give a weak smile. Through breakfast I'm quiet but once finish I'm straight up stairs to get ready. As we were shopping first I decided to put black denim shorts with a white vest top. As I finished I heard knock on my door.

"Come in" I said getting my bag ready. The door opens and I see Kayleigh in jeans and a tank top, Kya in shorts with a short sleeve top and Faith with a white jumpsuit. They all run to me pulling all of us into a group hug.

"You ready?" Kayleigh asks with a smile. I nod my head and begin to walk downstairs.

"Bye Jeremy!" I shout as we leave the house.

10 minutes later we get out of Faith's car and walk to this cafe but it was the cafe that Damon left me in. We all get out and the others begin to walk to the building while I stay at the car. My heart sinking in sadness and the other's notice as they turn round.

"It's the cafe... The cafe Damon left me" I muttered. They all walked back and gave me a hug.

"Let's forget about boy's today shall we?" Kya says reassuring me.

"Agreed" I say which cheers me up.

Half an hour later we finish lunch and head to the shops. Mystic Falls didn't have a lot of shops but it had some. Suddenly Faith points out a shop and we all nod our heads. Our faces lit up with smiles as we walked in.

"Right this shop is for dresses tonight!" Faith stated as Kya and I started to laugh.

"There is no way I'm getting in a dress" I laugh.

"Well will get you in one!" Kayleigh smirks as I give her a glare. But she still smiles.

Looking round the girls all find their dress and I can't see any I like. I sit down looking at the other three trying their dresses on. Kayleigh comes out first wearing a pink strapless dress which goes wavy at the bottom along with pink open heels.

"Wow, you look beautiful Kay!" I say leaning forward as she smiles at herself in the mirror.

"You think?" She says unsure.

"I think it suits your posture beautifully!" I say and she heads back in the changing room.

Next comes out is Kya. She walks out with a smile, she is wearing an light orange dress with silver sequins round her waist. Then the dress is accompanied by darker orange shoes. She walks out and does a little pose which makes me giggle.

"Got to admit it cousin that you do look gorgeous!" I say which makes her giggle and do another pose.

"Thought it was nice!" She smirks. "I'll be back in a minute" she says going back to the changing room.

I was still sitting in the seat looking at all the dresses and a blue one hits me. It hits me because I immediately think of Damon, favourite colour blue. I'm staring at it until I get snapped out of my thinking by a curtain being pulled back. Faith walks out with an unsure face. She is wearing a black dress with straps along with black heels.

"Why so down?" I ask straight away.

"I'm unsure if it suits me?" She says looking nervous. I sit forward.

"Faith the posture and the dress goes perfectly, you look great!" I say until I hear the door opens. I turn my head to see Kol.

"Well I've got to agree Faith, you look Beautiful!" He says blushing.

"I'll give you two love birds a minute while I'm going to look at this dress" I say walking off.

I walk up to this dress, this navy lace dress. I grab it off the shelf and find a pair of blue heels with a silver lining on the front. As I start to walkover to the dressings room I see Kol has left and see the other girls sitting down with bags with their dresses in.

"I'm trying this on" I say walking in a changing room as they nod.

I walk out with the dress and shoes on. I feel different, I feel special. As I walk out I see all their mouths drop.

"What do you think?" I say holding my hands up.

"Love it!" Kya shouts.

"Damon would love this!" Faith says which makes me look down. "Sorry Em didn't mean to say that" she says.

"It's ok, Kayleigh?"

"Well I'm jealous! Emily I love it!" She shouts and then I do a spin.

Once I finish my spin I see the girls taking about something but I couldn't concentrate because my eyes were on something else. Damon. He was on the other side of the road, I was staring at him as he was looking at me through the window. He looked speechless. I looked at the girls still talking and I looked at Damon and smiled doing a little wave. He returned the smile and mouthed "I love you" which made me blush.

We return home, all the girls entering my room and we start to get ready. Putting our dresses and shoes on along with makeup. Then we get a taxi because we will probably get a bit drunk apart from Faith as she's a vampire. Well she can get a bit. I've only see Faith kill someone once and it's awful to see her upset when she kills someone but she deals with it wells.

We arrive and walk into the mystic grill for dinner. As soon as we walk in we get a whole bunch of looks, good looks. The boys staring at us but we all laugh and shake it off. We finish our meal and start to take shots, then larger alcohol such as wine, beer etc.

Hours later and I'm the only on tipsy and we decided to walk back home. But as I'm wobbling along I stop and think about Damon. My heart sinks and tears swell in my eyes. I start to cry and the others look at me.

"What's wrong?" Faith asked.

"Damon....I..I ne..ed...Damon" I mumble slash cry out.

"Right let's head to the Salvatore's to sort this out!" Kya demands.

"!" Kayleigh says surprised but in the end she agrees.

We arrive at the Salvatore's house and I can't remember everything because I'm slightly drunk. We walk in and see Stefan and Damon talking but I just walk past and say "I need to sleep."

"Ok night then" Kayleigh mutters. Was she angry?

I walk into Damon's room and just fall onto his bed then nod of to sleep. Why would I be in here? This is Damon's room, the old Salvatore is back and I'm acting the same. Shouldn't I be angry with him for what he did to me?

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