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3 Years Later

Emily's POV

I sit on a bench over looking the crowd of people. I block out all my hearing so I don't pick up anyone's conversation.

I see everyone dancing but Kayleigh and Stefan stand out the most. My older sister wearing a white wedding dress, smiling and laughing to Stefan who's in a tux. Yes we are at the party of their wedding. I then move my eyes to see Jeremy and Kya talking by that drinking at Jeremy is now 18. Brother will never learn. I then move my gaze to see Faith talking to her husband, Matt and Tyler talking to a girl. Always a flirty boy.

I take a sip of the champagne in my glass and look round for my dear boyfriend. I stand up trying not to ruin my pink bridesmaid dress. Another head bridesmaid. I walk over back to the party searching everywhere for my dear man. I notice Kya and Jeremy and walk to them.

"Hey have you seen Damon?" I shout over the music.

"No I don't think so" Jeremy answers moving to the music.

"Try the bar?" Kya tells me as I walk off.

I head to the bar inside the place the wedding is at. Still no Damon. I look round and can't see him. I start to panic but I remain calm. I walk back outside and notice near the bench I was sitting on away from the crowd earlier is a figure. I slowly make my way to the figure and straight away I know it's Damon. By his black suit suiting his posture brilliantly.

As I walk closer he turns his head and stands up. I look at him annoyed as he grins at me.

"Where have you been?" I ask coming closer to him.

"You can't be angry at me now" he pouts at me which I smile to.

"So?" I ask again and he smiles.

"I was getting you a gift" he replies to my question.

"Can I see the gift?" I smirk at him as he nods his head 'no'.

As he nods his head I do a fake pout hoping he falls for it. He laughs at me as I now go embarrassed. Damon walks to me and hugs me as I smile. We pull away from the hug.

"I almost forgot" he says which I pull a confused face.

But it changes as soon as he gives me a quick kiss.

"So when will you give me this gift?" I question him with a smile of curiosity.

"Later tonight" he smiles cheekily.

"Eww Damon!" I laugh as he looks confused and laughs.

"Emily not that... well unless you want that?" He smirks at me which I glare at him.

"Hey stop flirting with my sister" we both turn our heads to see the source of the voice, Kayleigh.

Kayleigh and Stefan walking over to us, both smiling. Damon and I stand up and meet them half way.

"Isn't this like the old times?" Damon says and we all laugh.

"You can say that again" I smile.

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