CH18: It's Going To Be Along Summer

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Kayleigh's POV

It's been a week since graduation and summer has started! But something is off, Damon and Stefan have been acting funny everyone else has noticed except Emily. But at least me and Stefan are the same but Emily and Damon, not sure?

Emily's POV

Something is happening and I'm determined. So Jeremy and I are on a mission to see what the Salvatore's are up too. First Damon is off, like avoiding, ignoring and paying not attention to me as well as having his attitude back. But now I'm getting attitude.

But the times we do get together, he is still himself. That is until he gets a phone call or text either from Stefan or someone else. Today me and Jeremy are going to town not for a mission but for a sister and brother day out.

Damon's POV

I'm just laying on my bed thinking about life and Emily is on mind. I've been a pain at the moment being the worst boyfriend. It's because of Elena, if she's finds Emily she will tell her about my past with Elena.

"What you up to babe?" Elena said walking in. I rolled my eyes.

"We aren't a couple, you left remember" I demanded. She was about to kiss me but I pushed her off.

She got back up. "But we didn't break up, oh is this over that Emily Katherine's daughter, the girl with visions, everyone has heard about her" she said cocky.

"No, I just don't feel the same, your acting like Katherine and you said you weren't going like that!" I snapped.

"Don't say that again!" She snapped back and pinned me to a wall.

"Ok! Get off! I'm stronger!" I pushed her off and she looked at me and then smirked.

"Oh sweet Damon, my Damon. What do you think Emily will do when she finds out your cheating on her?!" She smirked more, waking out the door.

What do I do? I love Emily and I can't hurt her. But Elena will break us up to get me back. But then if I broke up with Emily and date Elena, Emily would hate me! But I don't think I feel the same to Elena, What am I on, I don't like Elena! I thought to myself. I got angry with myself and threw a lamp at the wall.

The next morning I decided to spend my day with Emily. I miss her warm smile. So I pull out my phone and pull her name up

Damon- Em you there?

That's what I tend to call her, let's say it's my nickname I call her.

Emily- Hey, what's up?

She didn't seem happy so hopefully this cheers her up. I'm not surprised, she's probably upset with me because I've been avoiding her a bit but it's for her.

Damon- Well I was wondering how would you like to spend a day with your lover boy? X

Hopefully my humour cheers her up. She's seen it and it's been a minute and no reply. Maybe I have lost her a bit.

Emily- I would love to and I love to see you still have your humour :) X

Damon- Good I'll be round in a bit

I looked at the chat and realised I only send her a kisses. I never do that, that girl changes me I swear.

Emily's POV

I'm waiting on my porch for Damon, I'm wearing black skinny jeans with a grey tank top. I'm just in my phone watching the time and then I close my eyes. But when opening them I see Damon. A smile appears on my face, he is wearing blue jeans with a nice grey short sleeve top. I get up as he walks closer, a smirk appears as he pulls me in for a kiss, it was passionate.

"Did I miss something?" I smirked.

"Me" he smirked back. "Emily I've missed you, I've been a terrible boyfriend and I would do anything for you!" He demand with a gentle voice.

"I know you will Damon but tell me why you have been avoiding me?" I asked. He looked down.

"It's complicated" he said still looking down. There was a moment of silence until Damon said "anyway I'm spending this whole day with you!"

My face lit up as he grabbed my hand and pulled me in his car. He was hiding something and I can't bear the thought of losing him. I'm saying that because a lot has happened and he's been with me the whole time, like Katherine but shes finally out of that tomb and is staying in a town. He's helped me with the original vampires and so on.

We arrived at this cafe on a quiet road. We got out the car and I looked at the place and turned to Damon to see him thinking while smiling at me. He's hiding some emotion in his face but I can look past and tell.

We sit down inside next to a window. The waitress waked to us and we ordered and once she left Damon looked at me.

"Can I help you Damon?" I ask smiling.

"Well I've been thinking of me being a terrible boyfriend because you deserve everything" he says looking hurt.

"Damon why do you look so down, I've got everything which is you and your not a terrible person" I say grabbing his hand. "Let's just spend these moments together. "

It's been hours and we look at the clock, we have been laughing and talking out buts off at this cafe. He definitely seems better, always grabbing and playing with my hands.

"I like this, being with you, it makes you look like a human" I smirk.

"Well I feel like one with you" he smirks back.

"Well I hope to do this more and hope you don't go back to avoiding Damon Salvatore" I smile at him.

"I do hope so" he begins until his eyes spot on something and I look in them to see hurt.

"Damon are you ok?" I say looking at him and his view but I can't tell who he is looking at.

"Yeah, just have to go" he says. My heart drops, back to avoiding Damon.

"Damon, are you just leaving me?" I question.

He looks down. "Emily it's better if I leave and go back to what I was doing before" he says and then leaves.

Damon's POV

I see anger and sadness in her eyes but I'm not surprised. I left and walked towards the car driving away. I suddenly stop the car and hit the steering wheel in anger.

I loved being with Emily but Elena walked in, she found me. But now she's seen Emily so she could kill her or use her for blackmailing me!

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!" I scream with anger and sadness. What do I do, I don't want to break up!

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