CH7: Every One Knows Apart From One

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Damon's POV

Why did this have to happen? I was going to take her somewhere fun but then this happens. I picked Emily up and put her in the back of the car along with Kayleigh while Stefan in the front. Emily was laying at the back of the car, her hair spread out among the seats. I drove back to the boarding house, I was worried about Emily. Why???

We arrived home and I placed Emily on my bed, I looked at her with a gentle smile and then I walked out the room to the lounge. Stefan followed but Kayleigh stayed there for a couple of minutes then came to the lounge. Emily was like in a deep sleep or something, I don't know but it just scared me for some reason.

We were all sitting down in the lounge until the doors burst open. It was Faith, Tyler and Matt.

"Ever heard of knocking" I say in a sarcastic voice.

"Oh who cares" Faith replies, I give her a glare. "Where's Emily?!"

"She's upstairs resting" Kayleigh says with a frown.

"Cheer up, she's going to be ok" Matt reassures Kayleigh.

"Three... Two... One" I say pointing at the door and then the door slams open.

"Where is She!!!?" A girl walks in saying followed by Jeremy.

"Kya!?" Kayleigh shouts pulling her in a hug.

"So you must be the cousin" I say smirking at her.

"Damon isn't it" Kya says and suddenly I hear a high pitch sound in my head.

"Ahhhhhhh" I say placing my hands on my head. I look at Kya who has her hands pointing at me, she stops.

"Kya what was that!?" Tyler asks. I forgot they were all here.

"A witch didn't see that coming" I said smirking. "Did you know Kayleigh?"

"What a witch" they all reply.

"Yes I am my grandma has been teaching me and that's why I have been at my parents" she says walking into the lounge. "Damon, Stefan I know what you are"

"Kya you know??" Kayleigh asks.

"Wait you know too??" Kya asks Kayleigh.

"What do you mean??" Jeremy asks.

"Well I'm a witch" Kya begins.

"And Jeremy I'm a vampire along with Stefan" I tell them, they all looked shocked and scared Matt, Tyler, Faith and Jeremy.

"If you tell anyone I'll rip your heads off!" I say glaring at them.

"We won't" Matt replies with Tyler nodding.

"Don't worry I'll make sure he doesn't" Stefan says glaring at me.

"Hold on does Emily know this Kayleigh?" Faith asks immediately. This girl, these people can't get their heads round things.

"No, I don't want her to know yet, please guys" Kayleigh pleads.

"Ok, at least tell us the story of you two" Jeremy then says turning his head at Stefan and I.

"This is going to be long" I say. "Stefan you tell."

"By the way we won't hurt you I'll make sure of that" Stefan says still reassuring them.

The story begins and we come to a finish after an hour. They all seem to be fine, I'm surprised.

"So please don't tell her" Kayleigh pleads again.

"We won't" Tyler says.

"We trust Stefan but not Damon" Kya then says at me.

"Hey I can rip your head off!" I say getting annoyed.

"Damon!!" Stefan says looking at me annoyed.

"Kidding but she'll fined out" I say smiling.

Emily's POV

I wake up in a strange room at first I'm nervous but soon to work it out. Salvatore's house. I still feel tired and I didn't want to tell them about the vision, I don't know what it means yet.

I start leaving the room and reach the top of the stairs and hear a group talking. I recognised voices Kayleigh's, Stefan's, Damon's, Matts, Faiths and Tyler's but I picked someone else up. Kya?? I walk down the stairs.

"What are you guys up to?" I say looking at them.

"Emily?!" They all say surprised.

"Kya why are you here?" I say ignoring them, wiping my eyes.

"I'm back in town, sorted all the problems out" Kya replied.

"Ouch" I say. I look up at Damon, he gave me a gentle smile and a worried look, it made me blush but I quickly hid it. "I need some air" I demanded.

I rushed out to the front drive way which was massive. A private drive way. I walked over to the grass and sat down, I could feel the cold air on my face blowing my hair behind me. I was confused.

I then walked back inside and looked at them talking.

"Are you guys hiding something?" I ask.

"No, why would we be" Jeremy says.

"Well because your all getting on well and some of you look like you've seen a ghost" I reply with a bit of sass.

"Well sorry" Kayleigh blurted out. "Emily we are all fine, believe me."

"You need rest" Faith then says to me looking at them all.

"No I don't I just woke up" I say glaring at them all. Damon giggled and everyone looked at him.

"What?! It's funny" Damon says smirking.

"Damon can you take me to that thing you wanted to show me?" I say because I'm only getting bored.

"Sure" Damon replies so we get up and leave.

Kayleigh's POV

They both leave. "Well them two?"

"It's just that she's bored" Stefan says.

"Let's hope" Kayleigh says. I say that because I don't want Emily getting hurt.

"So tell me more about this whole Katherine, doubleganger thing" Faith asks.

So we begin to explain more of that to the others. It's going to be a long day.

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