CH16: Is It The Right Time?

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(Scene of Damon and Emily, I know its Elena but pretend I couldn't find any good clips, enjoy)

Emily's POV

Morning, my alarm just beeped 8 and for once I was in my room. Yesterday was a good day, my feelings are mixed though with Damon at least Kayleigh and Stefan has it alright.

Kayleigh's POV

I arrived back home, Stefan went home. I walked through the door to see Jeremy getting ready to go out.

"Where are you going?" I asked. He looked up.

"Out to see Matt and Tyler" he replied. I nodded and walked upstairs Emily. She looked up and ran to me into a hug.

"Miss you too" I said.

"Can we have a sister day out?" She asked.

"We can, get ready and we will spend a day out and then we are having dinner with the Salvatore's" I said with a smirk.

"I need to talk to you when we go out" she informed me.

"Ok get ready" I said being the big sister.

10 minutes later Emily came downstairs and we drove to the bridge where are parent's died. I stooped the engine and both popped out then began to sit next to a tree at the side of the road.

"So tell me what happened with you and Stefan?!" Emily asked with excitement.

"Well he set this picnic up under this tree in this meadow!" I stated with excitement. Our smiles grew.

"Then what!?" Emily demanded. I took her hands.

"Well we went to the cabin and had some fun" I said with a cheeky smile. I blushed as she giggled.

"Well what did I miss because you and Damon are friends again?" I asked. She looked down and went silent.

Emily's POV

I wanted to tell her but I was confused. I looked at her and smile.

Damon's POV

"Well there you go Stefan" I said. Well I told him about me and Emily.

"Well I'm happy brother, what does Emily want?" Stefan asked.

"She wants to wait and I said I will wait but I can't, I love her Stefan" I stated.

"Well my brother isn't lonely" he said with a smirk.

"What shall i do?" I asked.

"We are seeing them later and talk to her" he informed me. He was right.

"Ok thanks Stefan" I said as I put my hand on his shoulder. "Always brothers" I said with a serious face and he gave a smile.

Emily's POV

"I slept with Damon" I said. I looked at Kayleigh and has a giant smile.

"OMG, why aren't you happy!?" She asked.

"I don't know, I not sure I'm ready" I said nervous.

"Well what do your feeling's tell you?" She asked.

I shrugged. "We were caught in the moment maybe but feelings are sort of there" I gave a weak smile.

"Emily tell him! Damon is always different round you! Tell him tonight please!" She stated.

"Fine, you know your right, I will" I said. I'm telling him, O My God! Hours later it turned evening and Kayleigh was sitting on the car while I went on a small walk.

Damon's POV

Stefan and I were driving in the car to the cars and of course I was driving. We came to the bridge and saw Kayleigh sitting on her car.

"There's my girl" Stefan said with a smirk, "now where is yours?"

We stopped the car and we both got out, Kayleigh looked up with a smile.

"Finally boys!" She said with a cheeky smile.

"What's up with you?" We both asked at the same time. She smiled.

"You know lover boy!" She said looking at me. Stefan then gave out a laugh and hugged here.

"You know too?" Stefan asked. She nodded then we all looked at each other and laughed.

"Kayleigh are they here?" I heard Emily and we looked over to see her walking out the woods. I smiled and she smiled back.

"Well we better get going" Kayleigh says with a smirk to Emily.

Then Stefan got in Kayleigh's car with Kayleigh and they both left. I returned to look at Emily and she came closer to me.

"Wanna hang out?" She asked.

"Anytime to do it with you" I informed her, I looked down at her and saw she quickly looked away with a blush. Did she blush, does she love me as I love her? I thought to myself.

Emily's POV

We have been hanging out for the rest of the day and I haven't told Damon my feelings. It was starting to get dark and we were quit far from home. So Damon decided to stop at a motel. Great!

It was 9 and I was laying in the bed watching Damon drink his alcohol. He thinks I'm asleep but I can't stop thinking. He takes a seat and takes a sip of his drink. I notice his head look to me, I am developing feelings for him. He sees me awake and finishes his drink and gets up to lay next to me. I give him a gentle smile. I next turn onto my back and look at the roof like he was put he was looking slightly at me. I suddenly feel his hand finding his way into my hand, I let him hold it for a bit. I couldn't think so I got up and went outside.

I hear the door open and hear his footsteps walk out.
"Don't" I say facing away.

"Why not?" He asks.

"Because I think I love you and it wouldn't help" I say.


I then suddenly walk round quickly and then pursing my lips on him. He kisses back and Push's me against a wall. The kiss begins to become meaningful. He starts kissing my neck and I let out a small moan before pushing him back on my lips. It quickly becomes heated.

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