CH25: Its Fine For Now

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Emily's POV

I woke up with a smile on my face. I turn my body round to face the person next to me, Damon. He's laying so peacefully. I remember last night and how fun it was well fun for us two. I snuggle closer to him and feel his arms wrap round me. Both of us laying there naked. My face looking at him with him just staring upwards.

"Morning" he said in a lazy, sexy voice. His eyes still closed.

"Morning, I didn't wake you?" I asked. He nodded and opened his eyes slowly. His head titled to me.

"I've missed you and hopefully last night showed you" he smirked. I juts hit him on the chest.

"I've missed you to" I said pecking him on the lips.

We finally got out of bed and are now dressed. All freshened up and acting together again.

"Want to go to the grill for breakfast?" Damon asked.

"I would love too" I say placing my hand in his.

We walk out the door and notice no know one is home. But I don't care at the moment. We walk to the grill with our hands in each others. It felt normal, I think we are back! Damon and Emily!

Damon's POV

My hand felt warm as it was in Emily's hand and we reached the grill. We sat down at a table laughing at the looks people are giving us. Most people look confused but we don't care. We ordered our drinks, I got something easier and she also did.

"How aren't we the same" Emily smirks as she holds her drink.

I look at my drink and she we both have lattes. I let out a laugh and smiled at her.

"Well that's we are dating" I smirk and she smiles taking a sip of hers. "I honestly don't know where big bad Damon has gone!?" I smile again watching her reaction.

"Yeah, I sort of miss him but then he can be an idiot sometimes" she smirks at me and I put my hands up in defense.

A couple of minutes have past and the door opens. But Emily and I look at each other in what to do. But now that we are back, who cares. We were sitting on a seat next to a window so it made Emily glow in a nice way. Anyway who walked in, you know who but lucky it wasn't Elena. It was Kayleigh, Stefan, Kya, Jeremy, Matt, Tyler and Faith. Hold on stop is that Kol? With Faith? They didn't see us or haven't yet.

"Whats up with Faith and lover Kol?" I asked as Emily blushed.

"Well Love you can say" she smiled. I noticed they all went to sit down and order drinks apart from Faith and Kol sat at a different table.

"Damon what's up?" Emily asks me.

"Nothing, do you hope they notice us or not?" I asked taking another sip.

"Not sure honestly?" She replied and I watched how she looked oit the window. "So last night?" She said with a smirk.

"Yes Emily, it was a blast" I reply with a smirk.

"Apart from that" she smirks. "What does it mean?" She asks but before I could answer we were interrupted.

"Hey guys!" Kya says pushing me over and making her way onto the seat. Luckily the seat was like a sofa.

Emily's POV

I've missed this me with Damon and all of my friends can now talk again. Like old times. We are still at the grill but now have switched seats so it's goes from window, me, Damon, Jeremy and then Matt. On the other side from the window it goes Kayleigh, Stefan, Kya and then Tyler. I noticed Faith and Kol went somewhere, naughty kids! I smiled at myself for thinking those two are so happy. It makes me think of Damon and I, happy but I hope they don't go through this mess. It reminds me of Kayleigh and Stefan, always there, happy and no arguments. But couples are meant to fight? Are they?

"I need some air" I say climbing over the back of the seat.

I rush out and see Faith and Kol kissing. I smile but then they notice and break apart.

"Sorry, I was intruding. I just needed air" I say embarrassed.

"It's ok" Kol smirks at me. His British accent, no wonder Faith likes him.

I walk over to the field outside the grill and find a bench. I sit down with my legs tucked up as my head lays there watching people. Not in a creepy way. I saw this old people feeding some birds, kids playing together, Faith and Kol talking and another young couple walking together with hands tied together.

"Great isn't it, seeing people do their business" a man says with a British accent. But I knew to well who it was.

I looked up at the man. Putting my feet down from the bench so they are touching the floor beneath. I hide my feelings and turn my head.

"Klaus" I smile as he's sitting next to me smiling at me.

"Hello love, you seemed down so I came to see what you were up to?" He asked with that cocky voice.

"Klaus being nosey I see, I still don't understand how we turned out to be good friends?" I state smirking.

"Simple, I ruined your life's, Kol got with Faith and now here we are and besides I'm a powerful hybrid" he laughs as I laugh as well.

"Really Klaus, really?" I say smirking.

"Ok we get along, best buds!" He says sarcastically.

"Klaus you idiot!" I say smirking. "Oh shall I call you the great and powerful Hybrid?" I add on.

"Stick with Klaus love" he smiles. "Or I might have to kill you" he says again.

"You won't do that" I say.

"So you and Damon huh?" He starts. Oh god.

"Yeah, you can say back together" I smile. "Gosh me and him are complicated but I love him!"

"Emily I can see. So he has done avoiding?" Klaus asks.

Yes I told him as he mentioned earlier. We are best buds, what have me and Klaus got in common, kill me now!

"Klaus being nice, I see" I say with him sending me a glare. "Well I hope he has stopped and I think he has" I reply.

"That's good love because I think I have an idea why" he says. I look confused. "You don't know, well Emily it's late and I better get going" he says and walks off.

What was that? Everyone knows something?

"Hey Emily, you ok?" Damon asks walking over and taking a seat beside me.

"Yeah I'm fine" I say putting my head on his shoulder. I could feel him smiling.

Don't you just love him. I do.

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