CH19: Elena

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Emily's POV

I woke up on my bed the next morning to find my pillow wet and my eyes all puffy. I then realised I was crying last night. I had to walk home alone because Damon left me. What shall I do, I love him to much but shall I brake up with him, no!?

Kayleigh's POV

My eye's opening and I turned over to see a sleepy Stefan. I'm in Stefan's bed as I stayed over. I watch him sleep peacefully.
"It's not nice to stare" he says in a sleepy voice.

"Morning Stefan" I say before going to the kitchen.

I arrive at the kitchen and gasp at the sight. "Katherine?"

She turns. "Oh no I'm Elena the doppelganger before you" she smirks. "You must be Kayleigh?"

I nod and then ask "so what bought you here?" I can tell by the attitude shes a vampire.

"Oh Mystic Falls has always been my home, I grew up here. I'm here now because I left a couple of years ago but I'm back to live with my boyfriend Damon Salvatore!" She said. My heart stopped.

"Ok, I'll see you around" I say putting on a fake smile.

I walk out and get pulled away into another room which was a bathroom. I look up to see Damon pulling me and Stefan inside already. Stefan quickly puts the taps on.

"What the hell Damon?!" I demand.

"That's Elena, my crazy Ex who I broke up with but she doesn't except it!" He says sadly.

"So is this why you have been ignoring Emily?!" I state. He stays quiet.

"Yes, only to save Emily. If Elena doesn't get what she wants she will hurt Emily to get Damon. Elena use to be so good until she changed and ran off. It's not Damon's fault, we are trying to get rid of Elena" Stefan says putting his hand on my back.

"Ok, I won't tell Emily but I'll help out and Kya can" I say walking out so they can't argue.

Emily's POV

It's been a week now and only 5 weeks left till college. It's been a week since Damon left me, I don't know where we stand. All the group knows what's happening so that helps a lot! Sense the sarcasm. But the difference is Kayleigh and Kya are different they spend more time at the Salvatore's.

Right now me and Jeremy are heading out to do some shopping as in food. We arrive at the supermarket.

"So what do we need?" Jeremy asks. He's a good little brother.

"Umm... The usual" I say and as I'm pushing the trolly. We turn down the meat section and I see... Kayleigh?

"Kayleigh?" Me and Jeremy ask at the same time. She turns round and gives a smile.

"I'm not Kayleigh, she's my doppelganger" she says. I look confused as Jeremy looks.

"Katherine?" Jeremy asks.

"No because Katherine is in a small town like a mile away" I say.

"Wrong again, I'm her doppelgänger. I'm Elena!" She smiles. "Oh you must be Jeremy and you must be the middle Gilbert sister Emily, Katherine's daughter, the spoilt sister who is spoilt by Damon!" She states getting angry.

She's a vampire and I can tell Jeremy knows by him getting tensed. Wait why did my mum Katherine not tell me about her? Why didn't Stefan or Damon?

"Back off, ok Elena!" Jeremy questions taking a step in front of me. I hold him back.

"Well, that's for you to find out" she smirks and leaves.

"Let's finish this shopping and continue our mission afterwards" I smile hiding my emotion.

"Do you want to tell Damon or anyone else about her?" Jeremy asks concerned.

"No this is for middle sister and little brother to figure out and I think we found a lead" I say pointing at Elena walk out the door.

"Agreed and we can't be compelled as your necklace and my ring" he smirks. I nudge him and carry on.

We arrived home and finished unpacking the shopping. Suddenly mine and Jeremy's phone buzz off. I looked at it and read it, it says 'Elena here and don't bother trying to figure it out because you'll find it out soon.'

I look up and see Jeremy looking worried. We both nod and I can't feel but it has something to do with me. Suddenly my phone lights up again and see the name Kayleigh come up. I answer it.

Emily- Hello Kayleigh

Kayleigh- Oh hey, this evening all the group are having a party and I know Jeremy is under age so no alcohol

Emily- Yes Kayleigh, so where is it?

Kayleigh- it's in the woods were we normally go

Emily- Ok, see ya

I look up at Jeremy and tell him what's happening. He nods and we both go upstairs to get ready. When I suddenly walked into my bedroom I realised Damon would be there and Kayleigh acted strange, why was the party there? Why not at a house?

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