CH31: It's Different Now

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Jeremy's POV

Dear Diary

It's been 3 whole days and no one has seen or heard Emily. We are all hoping she found a new start and all the rest of us are all grieving but getting on. This is basically everyone's feelings.

The Mikaelson family, Klaus, Elijah and Rebekah even Kol has gone back to the city of New Orleans. But Kol and Faith still see each other. The family left after the news of Emily and wanted to go back to their city.

Tyler and Matt are still upset but are moving on with their lives. The two don't know how to feel towards Damon, it's like everyone is unsure with Damon. But the two are getting on.

Faith has been in a out of Mystic Falls because of Kol but she spends most of her time here. With the situation she acts fine but I think differently.

Kya, my dearest cousin is trying so hard with her power. She's been recently trying to do a locator spell but we have realised Emily is supernatural by her visions. Kya has been suffering but she's moving forward in summer.

Stefan has been doing his hardest, trying to keep everyone happy, giving Kayleigh hope and Damon brother moments. He's trying but he's also lost someone so Kayleigh and I help him as well. He's been looking for Emily as well as Damon.

Kayleigh and I are going well like everyone else but before we sleep. The two of us go to her bedroom and say night. We still believe Emily's out there but no one has seen her.

Finally Damon, I honestly think Damon has it hard and I think he's dealing with it well. He's had the hardest time. Looking for his girlfriend, trying to deal with the guilt and sadness. But we have been lucky because without Stefan's help Damon would be the vampire everyone fears, a vampire without humanity. But Damon is strong and is strong for Emily.

We need you Emily, we all need you. So if you read this be sure to know we all care about you Emily. It's weird without you Emily. It's different.

I put down the journal and look at the door which leads into the bathroom and then Emily's room, as the bedrooms are connected. I quickly put it in my bag, I walked downstairs and saw everyone waiting for me. We were going to the lake house to clear our minds and do a little memorial for Emily.

In the car I was in Stefan was driving with Kayleigh in the passengers seat. In the back was Matt and I. The car behind was Damon driving with Faith in the passenger's seat and the back was Kya and Tyler. All our suitcases was in the boots of the cars and started driving. The drives was at least half an hour to an hour away, maybe less.

Damon's POV

Pain. All I feel is pain. I need to move on. Do I move on? She might not be dead. I love her to much to let her go.

We arrive at the lake house and immediately everyone gets out the car to get their bag and begins to pick rooms. I just sit in the car to wait, the last time I came here was with Emily. I've become the vampire that everyone fears lately, killing and feeding off people and going independent.

I see everyone is inside to I step out the car and feel the breeze brush my face. I look at my hands and see my daylight ring shining as every. A lot has happened recently, Elena keeps appearing and disappearing. It's like she only did it for me to be lonely. Selfish Bitch!

As I enter the lake house I just see people with happy faces and just going busy and manic which brings me to smile. I look round and find an empty room which happens to be Emily's. But I don't care, it's Emily's room now. I walk into the room and sling the bag onto the bed. This might be a good starting new, even though all of us are still looking. They all moved on a bit quicker then I expected.

We all finished unpacking and the others decided to go swimming but I decided to watch with Stefan. We walk to the pier and watch Kayleigh, Jeremy, Kya, Faith, Tyler and Matt jump in the cold water and start swimming. As me and Stefan sit on the side Stefan turns to me.

"What is it Stefan?" I ask annoyed but don't look at him.

He laughs and I turn to my head to face him.

"Well now you ask I was going to ask how you are" he smiles to me, that's Stefan I know with his hero hair.

"I'm fine, you?" I lie, I'm not fine, well I am and not.

"I miss her, she always brought a glow to everyone especially you" he says looking back at the lake as I do.

"I miss her too Stefan" I say smiling to myself.

"Well I better join them" Stefan smirks taking his shirt off.

He then takes a step back and does a run up before jumping in the lake. He immediately swims to the others and picks Kayleigh up before throwing her back in the water. With them doing that I decided to zone out.

"Damon come on!" Emily says with frustration.

"All in good time Emily" I smile at her as the sun reflects of her.

We were walking up this hill so Emily can show me this view of the town. So Emily dragging me up a hill.

"Damon the sun will be down soon and I can't show you the view without the sunset" Emily smirks at me.

"Ok ok, stop playing smart" I smirk at her which she comes back to me and hits my arm. "Ouch!"

"That's for being smart mister Salvatore" she smirks as I throw my head back and laugh.

"Thats me Miss Gilbert" I say returning the smirk.

We finally make it up the hill just in time. We stand there watching the sunset and admiring the view. I turn my head to look at Emily and I see her smiling which makes me smile. She turns to look at me. I guess she noticed.

"I'm not the view Damon" she smirks looking in my eyes.

"Is it not, I thought I'm looking at the view now" I smirk.

"Cheesy Damon Cheesy" she smiles.

We stand there looking at each other before both of us lean in. My lip brushing on hers and as she steps forward our lips fully meet. After what feels like hours we pull away.

"I love you Damon Salvatore" she smiles which make any heart skip a beat maybe.

"And I love you too Emily Gilbert" I smile back before leaning in again.

With the memory fading I enter reality again and see the others coming out the water. My smile fades as I know Emily isn't next to me.

"Damon you coming inside?" Jeremy shouts waking to me.

"Yeah" I shout back and I get up and begin walking to the others.

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