CH6: Visions In My Head

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Emily's POV

I woke up, my eyes slightly opening. My hands feeling the warmth of my bed I didn't really want to get up. But I had to, school day. I hadn't seen Kayleigh since yesterday and I have started getting worried, speaking of worried I have also been leaving Kya some messages and she hasn't been replying that much. It worried me.

I quickly had a shower and got changed into blue denim jeans with a navy short sleeve top on. I looked at myself in the mirror and suddenly my head went weird, I felt pain coming from it. Then the next thing I knew was that images was popping into my head. It was a figure, a man with fangs walking up to me. Damon?

Kayleigh's POV

I arrived late at night and woke up early to get to school. It was now break and I hadn't seen Emily in ages. I was walking up to the table where Faith, Jeremy, Matt, Tyler and Emily sat. They all looked up at me. Emily with a face saying 'Where have you been?' It got me nervous.

"Hi guys" I said as I arrived sitting down.

"Hi Kayleigh" Matt and Tyler both said.

"Hey Kayleigh, where's you lover boy Stefan?" Faith says smirking towards me.

"Very funny but he's at home taking care of his brother" I say and then noticing their faces looking confused. "Long story short, he has an older brother" I carried on quickly while smiling at Emily.

"Emily?!" Faith says turning towards Emily in a smirk voice.

"Don't look at me, just a same cocky man" Emily says glaring back.

"But a hot one" I rely smirking at Emily.

"Anyway where were you last...." Emily says before being cut off.

"Hey Stefan!" Matt says shouting at Stefan walking towards us. He smiles.

"Hey sorry I'm late" he says in a warm voice before kissing me on my thoughead. It was sweet and warm, I loved him more and more even knowing what he is.

He sat down next to Emily and I so he was in between. I carried on talking to Faith while I noticed Stefan whispering to Emily, she didn't look impressed. She then began to stand up and leave heading towards a black car.

"Where's she going?" I ask Stefan in concern.

"Damon wants to talk with her, he won't hurt her so don't worry" he says in a smirk.

"Damon, is he you brother that we have just been told about?" Tyler asks.

"Yes Damon is my older brother, I'm 20 and he's 22" Stefan says. "He's a typical older brother" he says carrying on.

"Ok" I reply. We then all turn our head towards them and see Emily still walking to a car. It's like at the other side of this patch of grass. She stops.

Emily's POV

I stop at the tree turning to face this black car. I quickly turn back to the others who are staring at me. Of course! I suddenly hear a car door slam shut and I look towards the sound.

But my eyes meet these two blue, gleaming eyes staring into mine. My head looking up at Damon Salvatore, I smiled a bit but hiding my blushing. I quickly turn back to see the others looking and I could tell on their faces that they were saying 'what they going to do?'

"You wanted to see me?" I said with a confident voice while adding a smirk.

"Yes I did and glad you came over" He then smirked.

"So??" I said giving him a confused look.  He stares for a minute.

"Oh yeah, I wanted to take you somewhere and apologise about my cockiness" he said smirking even more.

"Oh really, this isn't the Damon I knew like a night ago" I said smirking at him.

He steps closer "Shall we?"

"Ye....ouch" I stop. He stares confused.
"Ahhhhhh!" I scream in agony my head pounding.  I begin to fall down screaming more and more. 

"Emily!!" Damon says worried holding me in his arms.

I shut my eyes and I suddenly went into this dream but it wasn't, more like a vision.  It's the same vision from earlier. I open my eyes again and see Kayleigh running with Stefan behind followed by Faith, Tyler and Matt. I close my eyes again.

Emily's Vision
Im in the woods turning my head side to side, I'm sitting on the cold ground and I suddenly see a figure tall, dark hair with dark clothes on. Damon. I then notice a scream it was a blonde girl she looked scared, more like petrified. My head turns back to Damon, fangs coming from his mouth, blood already dripping from his mouth. I whispered to myself "Vampire!?"

"Damon no!!!" I shout but he doesn't hear me and walks straight past me. Am I invisible? What am I seeing?

End of Vision

I open my eyes straight away breathing heard.
"Emily you ok??" Damon asks concerned "you were screaming an everything!"

"OMG Emily what's the matter?" Kayleigh shoots at me.

I felt hot and my eyes were closing. I looked at Kayleigh then to Stefan next to Faith, Matt and Tyler. Finally my head was looking at Damon and then It went black.

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