CH17: Graduation

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(Emily's and Kayleigh's dresses in picture above)

Emily's POV

It's been two month's and its the day of the graduation. So far life has been amazing, well apart from Klaus and his family the Mikaelson's now staying in Mystic Falls. He tried killing my sister! He was sucking her blood until his brother rescued him just when Damon was about to kill him.

Anyway me and Damon are dating. Everyone knows and with him life has been an adventure. Tonight we are going to a party, it's me, Damon, Stefan, Kayleigh, Kya, Faith, Jeremy, Matt and Tyler going.

Have I mentioned Faith has got a bit friendly with the Mikaelson's but by like. I mean crush Faith and Kol! They have been doing little hang outs. But he tried killing Kayleigh. On the positive Kya has had amazing witchy powers! Jeremy is good! Everything is perfect... Jenna... Jenna died by Klaus... I miss her so much! Tears swell in my eyes.

Faith's POV

Where are they!? I pulled my phone out to see the time. Graduation started in 30 minutes and then the summer begins.

"Why so down darling?" A man said, his voice so british. Everyone thinks he is a dark person but he's different then his family.

"Kol" I say turning round with a smile. His piercing eyes, his brown hair and his posture is just perfect!

"You didn't answer my question" he says with a smirk.

"The other's are late" I reply. He walks over and hugs me like a friend.

"I'll see you later" he says pulling away "at the party!" Gosh he makes me laugh.

Minute's later they arrive, with 15 minute's left. Jeremy is the only one not graduating because he's younger where as Damon he's older. They all walk over Kayleigh holding Stefan's hand, Kya walking solo with Matt and Tyler. However  Damon's arm is over Emily's shoulder, all of them look perfect.

"Finally" I say annoyed.

"Calm down" Kayleigh giggles. "We will se you guys soon" she says to Stefan and Damon.

Emily's POV

Graduation has finally finished and its now the after party. Finally graduated and now summer and then COLLEGE!!!! My life was coming together, I have an amazing sister and brother, have best friends, have the best cousin as well as having someone I love.

Jeremy was downstairs playing Xbox as he didn't graduate however Kayleigh and I were finishing off. Kayleigh was wearing a lovely black sequin dress with a white purse while I was wearing a red dress with patterns on it along with a necklace. We finished our make up and headed downstairs and saw Stefan but no Damon. My heart sunk.

"You two look beautiful!" He said kissing Kayleigh's cheek.

"Thank you" Kayleigh blushed.

"Where's Damon?" I asked curiously.

"He said I have to tell you he will be here soon" he smiled. "Now Kayleigh we don't want to be late, Faith and Kya will kill us along with Matt and Tyler" Stefan laughed.

Kayleigh nodded and they both took off. I noticed Jeremy heading to bed and I gave him a smile and he returned a very sleepy smile. I was waiting for Damon, I texted him a few times but got no answers. Why today he can't pick his phone up?

It had been at least 30 minutes and still no Damon. The other's have been texting me and I decided to start going to the party. I suddenly heard a knock on the door and opened it to find a stunned Damon. I sighed with relief.

"You look beautiful Emily!" He said not taking his eyes off me.

"And I thought you ditched me!" I laughed.

"Well I didn't" he smirked. He then gently grabbed my hand and led me towards his car.

We finally arrived and the outside venue was lovely decorated with fairy lights on trees and pictures being shown on large screens. We stopped and looked at a screen, I saw one of me on my first day. Damon looked at me with a smirk but I hit his chest. We went into the gazebo. I saw Kayleigh dancing with Stefan, Kya dancing with Tyler and Faith with... Kol?

"Look at Faith" I said smiling.

"She's with Kol, shall I kill him?" He teased.

"No, I think they might be close to a relationship" I smiled. "It's cute."

"But not as cute as us two" he smiled and leaned in for a kiss. I kissed back and we pulled away. "Never gets old!"

We then took to the dance floor, it was a slow dance. So Damon being Damon quickly put his hands round my waist as mine round his neck.

"Can you ever let go off me?" I smirked. He looked down at me, his piecing blue eyes looking down at me.

"Well I can't as you always look so sexy" he smirked. I just put my head into his chest.

"I forgot to ask what were you doing before you picked me up?" I asked still in his chest.

Damon's POV

I couldn't tell her, she can't know it will break her and I can't hurt her. So I had to lie.

"Oh I was quickly searching up some history about Mystic falls" I said and Emily looked at me.

"Ok, I just thought you knew about Mystic falls?" She said and then smiled. The song finished and she replied "shall we find the others?"

I nodded.

We walked over to the others and Stefan looked at me, I knew what he was saying. I just gave a weak smile. I'm dead! But I can't let Emily down, I love her to much! I haven't been in love in years.

But that love is back. Because the truth is, another Doubleganger of Kayleigh has come back and let's say we used to be in love until she went all cheeky and then went missing for a couple of years. We went out and never broke up and I tried but she blanked me.
Her name is Elena and she wants me back.
So I'm put to the test and Stefan is my only hope.

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