CH3: Stefan Salvatore

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Emily's POV

I woke up, the time was 7am and it was Monday so school. I quickly got changed into denim shorts along with a navy vest top. I walked downstairs and noticed everyone eating breakfast.

"Who's head hurts?" I asked with a smirk.

"Mine hurts horrible!" Jeremy said. While Kayleigh and Kya sat giggling, I'm guessing theirs didn't that much.

"Hi Emily, your breakfast is on the counter" Jenna said walking round to me.

"You came back from work late last night" I asked Jenna.

"You know work and now eat!" Jenna said. So we all had breakfast, quickly brushed our teeth and I then put my black converse on. Kya was wearing blue jeans with a camouflaged top on while Kayleigh was wearing a pink top with blue jeans as well.

"Jeremy come on!" I said to Jeremy pushing him in the car. I sat next to him in the back while Kya and Kayleigh up front, Kya driving.

We arrived at school and me and Kya set off to our classes, Jeremy went to his classes while Kayleigh went to met with Faith. Her friend but shes basically all of our friends.


Kayleigh's POV

I met up with Faith, Faith has blond wavy hair, she's about the same size as me actually she is sort of like me. Except she likes volunteering and being in charge but that's why she is me best friend. You need a blond friend.

"Hey Faith!" I shouted to Faith while walking in her direction.

"Hey, we better get to class" Faith stated. We started walking into the school and walked past the office. But our eyes caught a glimpse of a new boy. He stood tall, his hair a nice brown, wearing black, he turned to look at us. His blue greyish eyes staring into mine, he smiled and I smiled back.

"Come on Kayleigh, we need to get to class and not check cute boys out!" She said to me with a smirk.

"I wasn't checking him out" I said lying.

We got to history class. Faith sat to the right to me and I sat looking to the front.

"Alright class, my name is Alaric Saltzman, I know it's hard to just call me Alaric" the new teach said. There was suddenly a knock at the door, I turned my head and it was the new boy.

"Arrrr you must be the new boy Stefan Salvatore" Alaric said looking at Stefan.

"Yes sir" Stefan replied with a polite voice.

"Well please take a seat next to...?" Alaric said looking at me.

"Kayleigh Gilbert sir" I shouted across the room.

"Thank you, please sit next to Miss Gilbert" Alaric said pointing to the seat next to me.

He came walking to the seat next to me, his smile was so sweat and kind. He sat down and then I felt Faith nudge me to say something to him.

"Hi, names Kayleigh Gilbert" I said nervously putting on a smile.

"Hey, Stefan Salvatore" he said giving me a smile back. It made my heart flutter.

"If you don't have anyone to hang with you can come and hang with me and my group but that's if you want" I asked totally regretting it.

"That would be great!" He replied. I gave of a gentle smile while mg cheeks were about to blush. We spent the whole lesson getting to know each other, Faith, Stefan and I. I enjoyed myself.

It was break and Faith, Stefan and I walked to a table where Kya, Matt and Tyler were sitting. They looked at us confused.

"Hey guys this is Stefan" I said to the others, they all waved and said hi back. "He's going to join us if that's ok?" They all smiled and nodded.

"Well Stefan this is Matt, Tyler and Kya who is Kayleigh's and Emily's cousin... WAIT! Where is Emily?" Faith stated.

"She's with Jeremy" Matt stated and then turned to Stefan "Emily and Jeremy are Kayleigh's younger siblings."

Stefan smiled "Thanks." We all sat round the table. Until Emily and Jeremy ran over.

"Hey guys this Stefan" I told them.

"Hey" they both said but they turned round looking at the school. They both cracked up laughing.

"What did you two do!?" I questioned them.

"Well..." Just then the school science labs made an explosion sound "well that's what happened!" Emily said with a smirk.

Everyone looked at Emily and Jeremy. But then Stefan giggled.
"At least someone finds it funny!" Jeremy said fist bumping Stefan.


It was the end of the day and I brushed my teeth and got into my Pjs. I was thinking about the whole day with Stefan, we got close. I couldn't wait to see him tomorrow. My eyes started closing slowly until I was a sleep.

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