CH24: Trouble From Two Siblings

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Emily's POV

"O My God!" I shout in excitement. "That was amazing!" I shout again looking at Jeremy.

We waited behind a bush outside Mystic Grill. You know I said we are having fun, well having fun to us. We may or may not have put a stink bomb in Mystic Grills.

"It should happen any!" He said and we looked towards the door.

We then suddenly saw all the people inside dash out holding their breath. Everyone's face is priceless. Until everyone is gone we let out a burst of laughter that filled the quiet town. We then took to our feet and left to another place.

We then did this for the past hours, doing little tricks on different people. I'm not mean don't judge! I'm just upset and angry. We rushed into our car and drives around town.

"Hey Emily, look!" He says smirking at the people. It was Stefan, Kayleigh, Kya, Faith and Damon. They all seem happy.

"Well they don't care about my feelings" I say and Jeremy looks at me. "You know what I'm thinking?" I say with a smirk.

"Absolutely!" He smirks again.

I suddenly let the car rip and speed past them, all looking at the car surprised. Then Jeremy and I throw something out which may be a water bomb. We slow the car down and throw them out and the guys looking disgusted but Damon smiled.

"WHAT THE HELL!!" Kayleigh shouts.

"SHOW YOUR SELF!" Faith demands.

Our car has Windows where no one can look in. I put the Windows down and me and Jeremy smirk.


"Having fun!" I say out the window.

"Just come and talk to us, I know your angry" Stefan says. What a bunch of crap!

"Can you tell me and Jeremy your secret?!" I ask curious.

They all go silent and look down. Fine then. Jeremy looks at me and I look at him. I get the car started and they all look up.

"Emily wait!" Damon says. My heart skips a beat. I don't answer. "Please don't leave, we can't tell you but please talk to me" he says sounding hurt.

"Damon I love you but if you don't trust me, why are you dating me? Why are you pushing me away after the great moments together?" I ask looking at him with tears.

"Emily it's complicated!" Kayleigh says sounding annoyed. Why would she be annoyed?!

"Wasn't asking you Sis!!!" I say annoyed at her and she looks down. "See ya!" I shout and drive off.

Damon's POV

She drive off, I didn't get to answer her. Kayleigh had to but in.

"You had to step in!" I say angry.

"Hey don't be angry!" Kya said nearly using her powers.

"Kayleigh ruined the shot I had to get that chance of anger out of her!" I snapped at them. Showing veins coming from my eyes.

"Put them away!" Stefan argues.

"I'm sorry Damon" Kayleigh mumbles. "I didn't mean to step on but she needs to understand it's for her good" she says louder.

"Her good, couldn't you just stay out of this situation! It's my crazy ex Kayleigh!" I snap again.

"She's my dobbleganger Damon!" Kayleigh says sounding angry.

"Just leave it alone!" I say waking back to Emily's house. I don't like seeing her like this, sad and angry.

She needs me. I need her. We need each other.

Emily's POV

It was at least 9 and we arrived home.

"I'm going to see the guys" Jeremy says as he starts walking down the road. I sigh.

I walk in the house and it's empty and just put my cars keys down and kick my shoes off.

"Why is life difficult" I mutter as I walk upstairs.

I open my bedroom door and gasp at the sight which lays on my bed. Damon. Why is he here? I'm glad he's here. He's lying there with a smile and notices me.

"Why is life difficult? Well that depends on how your life works" he says looking at the ceiling then putting his eyes on me. He gets up.

"Damon why are you here?" I ask quietly.

I walk into my bedroom and close the door behind me. We both walk closer.

"I want to talk to you" he says. I smile at him.

"Not to ruin this I'm not in the mood for talking" I say looking down but I then feel a hand lift my chin up. I smile at him as he looks at me with a smile.

"You know what I'm done with avoiding you, ignoring you and talking to you!" He states and I look at him confused.

But that all goes as u feel his lips touch mine. He's kissing me. This isn't the old Damon Salvatore. He leans back.

"I'm sorry" he mumbles. I put my hand on his face stroking his cheek.

"It's ok, I missed it" I say with a warm smile.

With that said he kisses me again and I return the kiss. All this hatred disappearing. All emotion making this kiss mean something. Out lips moving in sync and my arms swinging round his neck as his round my waist. We then start to move to the bed not losing the kiss. He lays me down as the kiss starts to heat up. He starts to kiss the cheek, then my neck and then to my collar bone which leads back to my neck. I lay there enjoying it. I then let out a moan as he finds my sweet spot on my neck and starts to kiss it softly. I then push his lips back to mine and flip him over so I'm on top. I do the same to him, find his sweet spot and kiss it gentle which makes me hear a little moan from him. I then feel his hands go to my shirt and takes it over my head. I make him sit up so while I'm on top of him and I begin to take his shirt off. In this position still we take our bottoms off so we are left in our underwear. We kissed each other again and it got heated.

A lot heated you can say... I missed him and he missed me. It was a night to remember.

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