CH14: Fights Turn Into Romance

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Damon's POV

I couldn't believe her! Why would Emily go and see Katherine after what she did to Kayleigh! We reached my car and I unlocked it, Emily instantly went into the passengers seat and me in the drivers. There was a moment of silence, we were both mad.

"Emily why were you there?" I ask breaking the silence. I try to hide my anger with Emily but I can't be angry with her.

"Damon don't worry, can I tell you later?" Emily replies. I nod my head and begin to drive to the others. We didn't talk much.

Emily's POV

We arrived at the cabin, I was angry at how Damon reacted but I felt like I couldn't be angry with him. I couldn't be angry with him in general. What's happening to me?!

We both walked into the cabin and saw Kayleigh and Stefan having a moment. Damon does a cough. They both look up and are blushing.

"Don't worry, it's nothing I've seen before" I say and I see Damon smirk. I do sound like Katherine.

"Remember if I haven't seen anything before I'll throw a dollar at it" Damon says smirking.


5 hours later and diner was ready. I looked at the clock to see that it was 6:30 and the time we finished it was 7. Damon and I have calmed down and acted like nothing happened.

"Guys I'm bored, let's play a game or something" I stated. I was sitting on an armchair opposite Damon, he was on another armchair while Stefan and Kayleigh were snuggled up on the sofa.
"Well let's play a game called Never Have I Ever" Damon said. Kayleigh then sat up excitedly.

"Yes, I will start" Kayleigh began, I looked at Damon pouring everyone a glass of Bourbon and then at Stefan beginning to sit up. "Never have I ever died!"

"Not fair" Stefan pouted. Me and Kayleigh just laughed. Damon and Stefan just take one shot.

"See not that bad!" I teased.

"Ok, never have I ever nearly been killed my evil doubleganger!" Stefan said looking at everyone.

"That counts you brother!" Damon said watching me take a shot and then taking his. Kayleigh just smiled at us two and took hers.

"Damon your turn" Kayleigh said putting her glass down which Stefan refilling.

"We'll never have I ever seen my doubleganger without no one knowing" Damon said looking straight in my eyes.

Stefan and Kayleigh looked confused until I got my glass and took the shot. "Emily?" Kayleigh said.

"Had to say it didn't you Damon!" I said annoyed at him.

"Well I couldn't believe you would see Katherine behind our backs!" Damon then stated before relaxing into his chair.

"What!?!" Kayleigh and Stefan both said.

"I had my reasons Damon!" I snared at him.

"Well Emily tell us that reason! Is it because she said your life was in danger?! Emily she's a lying Bitch!" Damon snapped.

I stood up. "Fine Damon! Ask me my name!" I demanded.

"What?! Emily I'm not answering that!" He spat.

"Ask me my bloody name!!" I snapped. I saw Damon sit up and walk over to me. Stefan and Kayleigh stood up being aware of Damon.

"Fine, It's Emily Gilbert!" He said with his eyes staring into mine.

I walk to the others. "My name is Emily Nadia Petrova! Katherine is my real mum, if you want to know ask her!" I stated before leaving.

I reached the door and turned seeing Stefan and Kayleigh upset. "Are we still sisters even though we are adopted?" I asked Kayleigh.

"Always Emily always" she said holding Stefan's hand. I look at Damon seeing hurt in his eyes. I suddenly felt tears.

"Damon there's the truth" I said looking at him before leaving and waking home.

Damon's POV

It was silent after Emily left. I felt bad and we were both hurt.

"I need to see Katherine! See if she's telling the truth!" I said before rushing out.

Emily's POV

It's been hours since I got home, I needed to apologise to Damon, I need to see him. My phone bleeped.

Kayleigh- How are you Em? Me and Stefan are here

I looked at it and picked my phone up.

Emily- How's Damon?

Kayleigh- He left after you he wanted the truth and then came back telling us the whole thing.

Emily- Our life is mucked up! Where is he?

Kayleigh- He's at the boarding house, why?

Emily- I'm going to apologise and see how he is, talk later X.

I quickly put my shoes on and got into my car. I'm so nervous but why, its Damon.

Minutes later I arrive at the boarding house to see Damon standing looking at the fire with a glass of bourbon.
"Still drinking I see" I say to Damon walking over.

"Why are you here Emily!?" Damon asks, I can sense he is hurt.

"I came to apologise about earlier" I say, he looks at me and I give him a small smile.

"Emily I should apologise I mean you were right. I talked to Katherine about it and it's true" Damon said looking at me.

"Damon..." I begin to say.

"Emily I was wrong and now I'm realizing I'm bad for you, I'm a selfish blood sucking vampire!" He said, I walked closer.

"Damon your not because the choices I've made, the time we have been hanging out is with me and the fun Damon" I started.

"Emily you don't get it! I'm a bad person but a bad friend!" He stated.

"Damon why do you care anyway, you don't have to worry! Please" I asked, we have never had an argument like this. Our feelings coming out. Am I saying I have feelings?

"It's because I care about you! I can't stop thinking about you Emily! I worry ok! And I'm sorry!" Damon says. My stomach feels with happiness.

"Damon and I worry about you too. Out of all the choices I have made this will probably prove to be the worst" I start. Damon looks at me with a confused hurt face, I begin to walk closer to him. "And that choice is that I LOVE YOU DAMON" I shout a bit.

He looks at me surprised. "I love you Damon" I whisper.

I look at him in the eyes and then look down to then suddenly feel a warn pair of lips on mine. Damon kissing me, It felt so right. Soon the kiss became heated and we took it else where. Feelings being mixed around. Feeling the force of each other was one thing.

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