CH4: Kayleigh & Stefan?

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Emilys POV

My sister and Stefan I kept saying to myself while laying bed. You could see they liked each other besides they look good and Kayleigh needs someone. It's been 2 weeks now since we went back to school and of course another Monday popped up. A lot of things have happened, Kya has gone back home to see her parents for a while for some reason and Jenna has started seeing my teacher, YUK! I was happy though.

I finally got dressed and had breakfast etc, Jeremy and Kayleigh were ready for school and I was getting my shoes on until Kayleigh's phone bleeped. She got her phone out and said "Stefan won't be in school." I noticed her smile drop.

"Don't worry, why don't you just ask him out and go on a date ore something?" I asked opening the front door.

"Yeah, I seem to like Stefan, come on Kayleigh" Jeremy said agreeing with me.

"Well we act like a couple" Kayleigh replied. We left the house and drove to school.


Stefans POV

Kayleigh answered my text saying "ok see you tomorrow" then suddenly I looked up and noticed a crow flying in the room. I watched it as it sat down and I then heard a similar voice. I turned round and was shocked to see a familiar person.
"Damon!?" I said looking shocked.

"Hello brother" Damon replied, he started walking in the room from the balcony and headed to the books.

"Why are you hear!?" I said confident to my brother.

"Well I couldn't miss my little brother first days at school" he replied with a smirk.

"No, why are you hear?" I asked again. "You hate small towns, you get bored easily."

"Change of plans, I'm staying with you and your little friend Kayleigh along with her smashing sister" Damon stated with another smirk.

"Stay away from them!" I stated looking a bit annoyed.

"Or what Stefan, you going to kill me!" Damon said nudging me "Haven't you thought of having a little taste of Kayleigh's blood!?"

"I said Stop!" I said to Damon pushing him to the wall. "And how do you know, about Kayleigh and Emily?" I said to Damon looking at him getting up.

"Well I've seen Kayleigh with you and Emily from a different perspective, let's say while she was sleeping and at the grill" Damon said while smirking at me.


Emilys POV

"Kayleigh, why are we at Stefan's house?" I demanded to Kayleigh. School finally finished and Kayleigh has decided to drag me to Stefan's house.

"Well I want to check on him" Kayleigh said looking at me annoyed. We started walking to the door and discovered it was opened. "Let's go in and check it out" Kayleigh said to me. So we walked in.

"I know you Stefan's girlfriend but you don't need to check up on him everyday" I said to Kayleigh looking at her in a weird way. "Woah this house...." I began saying until I got cut of. His house was massive, an old vintage mansion.

"You must be Kayleigh Stefan's girlfriend and you must be her beloved sister, Emily is it?" Damon said smirking.

"Yes that's us, your that guy from the grill" I said looking at him.

"And your the girl dancing on the tables" he said smirking more.

"Anyway you are?" Kayleigh said butting in.

"Names Damon, Stefan's older brother" he said kissing my hand. It was sort my heart sort of skipped a beat. What am I thinking.

"Stefan has never mentioned he had a brother" Kayleigh asked.

"Well Stefan isn't the one to blag" Damon said smirking at me. "Well it's good to see Stefan has moved on from his last."

"What do you mean last?" Kayleigh questioned.

"Oh I'm guessing you haven't talked about the last girlfriend thing but I guess it will come up now" Damon replied with a facial expression being happy.

I then quickly heard footsteps coming from the stairs and it was Stefan.
"Kayleigh, Emily?" Stefan questioned. "What are you doing here?"

"Well the door was opened and we didn't mean to barge in" Kayleigh said walking over to Stefan. They met each other and went into a hug.

"So is this official?" Damon said smirking even more at me.

"Shut up Damon" Stefan said glaring at his brother.

"Well we better get going" I then stated looking at all three. "It was nice meeting you" I finally said walking towards the door.

"Emily wait!" Kayleigh began saying, I turned round to see three glaring faces looking towards me. "I might stay here, Stefan and I have a lot to discuss" Kayleigh then said.

"Ok, I'll see you later" I replied.

"Bye Emily" Damon said to me waving his hand with a smirk.

I left the house and drove back home thinking what Damon meant about the last one. Why didn't Stefan tell us about Damon? One day I'll find out.

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