CH11: Faith Becomes One

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Damon's POV

Emily fainted and I picked her up and carried her straight to my bedroom. I sat next to her thinking she knows what I am and what Stefan and Kya is.

"Emily why are you so complicated but that's what makes me fall for you" I whispered.

The others are all waiting downstairs for her to wake and about 10 minutes she does. She wakes up and gives me a gentle smile.

"How are you feeling?" I ask hoping she doesn't lash out.

"I'm fine and I won't let your secret, shall we have that talk now?" She says having a small smile on her.

"We shall" I say and I hold my hand out to help her get out of bed. She grabs it and stands next to me. I turn to face the door and suddenly feel a pair of lips on my cheek. I turn to see Emily but she has already started walking out. She turned and smiled.

Kayleigh's POV

I was sitting patiently waiting for Emily.
"Hey guys, I'm ready to talk but before we do I won't tell your secret to anyone" Emily says walking down to us with Damon behind.

"Thanks Emily and I'm sorry" Kya says giving her a hug.

"It's ok" Emily says pulling out. "Did you all know about Damon and Stefan being Vampires?"

It went silent for a bit and then Jeremy stood up. "We did, we weren't ready for you to know" he said looking down.

Tears started filling her eyes. "So my friend's, my family all knew except me! Damon you knew and I trusted you!" She said getting up walking into the Library.

We all follow and stop dead in our tracks, Emily is looking at the picture of Katherine. Damon starts walking to her and puts his hand on her shoulder. "That's Katherine she was Stefan's and I old lover and she's back to do god knows what" Damon says.

Emily looks at him. "I'm sorry" she said looking at him "I'm sorry for lashing out at you all."

We all walk over and hug her. Next we headed back to the lounge and tell Emily the whole story, she understands because she's a smart girl.

Emily's POV

It's been a 2 weeks now since they told me their secret and a lot has happened. But we got through it. First Alaric's old dead wife came back and claimed she was our mother Isobel. We then found out Kayleigh and I were adopted, Kayleigh from Isobel and me We don't know. Then this machine set off a sound that only vampires could here and Damon got in a fire. That I had to save him from and Tyler, Matt and Faith got in a car crash which Faith was in a deadly condition and still is in hospital. But before I see Faith in hospital, Isobel got killed by killing herself in the sun. We have learnt more about the double hanger and my visions. This life isn't getting better.

I arrive at the hospital and go into Faiths room but she's not there. I look out to door "Excuse me" I say walking to a doctor "Do you know where my friend Faith went?"

"She was released because she healed quicker then we fought" he says. I walk off.

"Thanks" I say from the distance.

Faith's POV
(Yesterday Evening)

That stupid compass machine thing made Tyler crash the car but why? I was slowly opening my eyes and stood up from the bed. The hospital was quiet. I was remembering everything that happened.

Kayleigh was here and then said she had a message to the Salvatore's, she said game one and then she killed me. She killed me!

I started walking over to this nurse and she said "well your better."

"Yeah" I say then I feel veins coming from my eyes. I could smell blood. I quickly turned back and went to the room where I was staying in. I walked into a patch of sun and it stung like hell. "Ouch!"

I quickly panic and sit there crying. A couple of hours later, it's about 9 and the nurse comes in. "Are you ok?" She asks.

I stand up and look at her "Im sorry" I say. She looks confused and then I pull out fangs and suck the blood from her neck. I quickly realise what I was doing and stopped. I looked dead in her eyes and said "you don't remember anything and you leave" I say compelling her.

I later go to Stefan who is in his house and he starts training me and teaching me how to do this vampire thing.

It's been two days now and the others haven't seen me yet. So I phone them over Kayleigh, Emily, Kya and Jeremy. Damon already knows and nearly killed me already. They sit down.

"You killed me!" I Said to Kayleigh.

"I would never kill you it was Katherine" Kayleigh replies.

"Katherine must have been there for a reason" Stefan says in a concerned voice.

"Well she said Game On" I said nervously.

"What do you think that means" Emily's asks sitting down next to me.

"Well Katherine doesn't stop until she gets what she wants" Stefan says looking at Kayleigh.

"Well we find her, ask her questions and kill her" Damon states.

"But Faith are you ok?" Kayleigh asks me.

"Yeah I'm just worried about telling my mum" I say, I have tears in my eyes trying to figure out my life now.

"If you want we can come with you" Kya asks. I look at them all. The girls with a gentle smile upon their faces.

"Yeah but not yet and not now" I say.

Authors Note: Hey guys, I'm sorry the book starts confusing but it will get clearer. Also the book will contain some of the events in Vampire Dairies but not all.

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