CH42: The Big Day

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January - Day Of Wedding

Faith's POV

"Right, where's that Emily?" I hear Rebekah say nervous.

I have my hair and make up ready and just finishing adding the dress on. I can hear the voices of people filling the large hall where mine and Kols vows will take place.

We are waiting for Emily. Please don't bail on me girl. Yes I'm nervous to see her but excited more. I pace round the room and see Kayleigh and Kya in their dark blue, knee length bridesmaid dress. Rebekah in her white long dress, planing everything that's happening. While me in my gorgeous white wedding dress.

Yes I know snow has freshly fallen and we are in dresses but the pictures will look great. I'm so excited that this day was here. But I thought I was going to be the second or last one to get married because I thought Stefan and Kayleigh. Then finally Damon and Emily, the couple me and Rebekah are planning to get back as well as everyone else knows the plan, well apart from Emily and slightly Damon.

"Are you nervous for once" I hear the long lost voice of the girl I never thought to see.

All the girls gasp in surprise.

"Funny!" Rebekah says and does a quick hug to Emily.

"I'm glad you came" I smile to her.

"Couldn't miss it for the world and I'm totally sorry for messing things up" she frowns at the end.

"Don't worry, we forgive you" Kya smiles.

"Well come on, give me a hug" Emily smiles.

Emily walk over to Faith, Kya and Kayleigh and give each other one large hug. They pulled away and looked at Emily.

"You look beautiful, all you do" I say to Emily and then everyone else.

They all smile and Emily walks to me with all the others walking out. I finally realised people weren't in the hall anymore so it must be time.

"You ready?" Emily asks.

"Are you ready?" I smile as she gives me a small smile.

"Don't worry about me, it's your wedding" she smiles.

"Yeah but it's meant to be happy for everyone and yes I haven't seen the boys and Damon in a while but O well" Emily says to me as I nod and smile.

"Right! Go!" Rebekah says coming to us and pushing us downstairs to two large doors.

The two doors open and I notice Kayleigh and Kya walking in and then Rebekah and Emily. I feel a tap on my arm and I see my dad. I give him a gentle smile.

"You nervous" he asks.

"Not at all, just happy" I smile at him and give him a small hug.


His black tux and white shirt loos so hot on him. His black tie and his small glowing smile lighting me up.

"Do you Kol Mikaelson take Faith Lock to be her lawful wedded husband" the priest begins. "To care for her in sickness and health?"

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